hope-less part 3

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Magnus now had in his hand his scythe, a "gift" he received from morty
That scythe is very special, it was imbued in death energy and could if Magnus desired, kill any one instantly if her blade hits
Whorever, Darkness was not something considered alive to be killed by death powers, the scythe could never kill him with its unique ability

(Magnus)-"back off Darkness, you know this fight will not end well-" *looks at Jhon* "for both of us..."

(Darkness)-"atleast you already know the outcome of this fight" *he rush's with his arm turning into a blade*

Magnus prepares to face him in a fight stance-

(Jhon)-"Magnus! Look out" *Jhon use his elemental control to push Magnus out of the way*

Suddenly a stalagmite made of dark mineral appears and almost impales Magnus

(Magnus)-*Magnus quickly clashes his scythe with Darkness arm blade* "coward!"

Jhon changed his elemental manipulation without Darkness noticing

(Jhon)-"Magnus, finish him!" *he uses his elemental manipulation and makes the stone in the floor hold Darkness legs still*

Magnus tries hitting Darkness with his scythe, trying to cut his upper half-
but Darkness parries his attack

(Darkness)-"lets put a end to this!" *he charges dark energy in his right hand and then aim for Jhon*

(Magnus)-"NO!" *he grabs and turn his arm away making Darkness attack fly up*

—And while that was happening—

(Gayoul)-"i need- i need to find help" *he whispers to himself while running in the forest* "Magnus told me to find help... but who can i find in this huge forest that can help??" *suddenly he hears people talking, it was a male and a female voice*

Gayoul runs fast in those voice's direction, when he almost reached them, he realised who were those talking

(Max)-"why the hell are we walking in the middle of this forest? We should be doing our jobs and trying to protect the people!"

(Vera)-"i know Max, i already know all your complaints-" *sudenly she turns in Max direction and yells* "because you've said that for the THOUSANDTH TIME"

(Max)-"i know- sorry, its just that- i dont think se need to be doing stuff here like Magnus asked and we should be out there helping people"

(Vera)-*Vera is considering to kill him*

(Gayoul)-"oh- thank the gods you two are here!" *he says while walking out of the bushes*

(Max)-"whata he-" *Vera push's him aside with magic*

(Vera)-"I am the one thanking the gods here!" *she raises her hands to the air saying thank you* "ahem- what is happening? Where is Magnus and Jhon?"

Gayoul start to explain everything to them, and by the time he is almost finished a huge explosion happens in the air and emits a dark light for a moment

(Gayoul)-"oh no..." *he looks at Max* "we need to go help them now! Vera can you open a magic portal or-" *he notice that Vera disapeared*

(Max)-"come on Gayoul!" *he grabs him and starts running in the direction of the explosion*

Vera using her magic was flying at high speed and already was there in time and when close to the entrance she started to hear some sounds of banging like something was hitting the wall

(Vera)-"Jhon! Magnus! Where are you?!?!?" *she reaches the room they were fighting* "Magnus...?" *she is shocked with the scene she just saw*

Darkness had stabed Jhon and left him unconscious while Magnus was having his head slammed to the floor non stop

(Darkness)-"you should learn from your mistakes Magnus! Never face off me while-" *Darkness notices Vera* "oh hello there"

—The End—

Name:Bill RephicAge:15-16

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Name:Bill Rephic

Is friends with Max and Benjamin and like them, he doesnt remember his past.
His powers are incredible and without any clear drawbacks, he can read people minds, control their mind and bodys, make mental illusions, move objects and even create barriers.
Hates talking using his own mouth and because of that, he doesnt get along well with Magnus
[Never saw it coming]

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