hidden dark part 2

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Taken aback by her words, Goldeon felt his world crumble
His grasp tightened making her jump

(Cielle)-"I-i did what i was asked for, please let me go"
(Goldeon)-"Ah yes... right..." *lets her hand go* "I think its time for you guys to take her back-"

Two obscured figures quickly appeared from the woods, but before they could aproach her
Marte spoke

(Marte)-"No" *raised his hands in a knife like motion* "She still contains lord Darkness gift and her ability is of great use"
(Goldeon)-"I wont go back in what was promised Marte, its of lord Darkness sayings, 'we shall stay true to what we always intended to do'"
(Cilada)-"Geez- cant even stay true to promises geezer"
(Marte)-"That does it, ill scatter you into a million of pieces" *violent gusts of wind formed and began to swirl around his body*

(Marte)-"This wont be painfull at all for you" *gestures with his right hand* "but this, this sure will be very painfull" *his feet hit the ground heavily*

Giant spikes made of dirt poke out of the ground across the field
Cilada laughted and with a single nod the ground and air were shaken and with a flash of blinding light the entire area was shattered
The spikes were destroyed and the ground cracked in many directions all derivating from Cilada
A sort of invisible pressure knocked Cielle back while Goldeon and the others stood their grounds

(Cilada)-"Old man, dont go out thinking youre the stronguest here" *swipes his left hand on the air*

Blood exploded from Marte stomach, as if his lower half were disconected from his upper half

(Cilada)-"Youre lucky i cant take your unique ability, otherwise lord Darkness would have told me to eliminate you a long time ago"
(Marte)-"As if you would be capable of that"

With his feet touching the ground, particles of dirt floated throught his body
All of then going after his right hand
He swiped his hand across the wound and some strange noises could be heard
In less than 5 seconds the blood, the wound, even the clothes were repaired

(Goldeon)-"Are you two done with this stupid 'showdown' of yours" *noded to one of the cultists* "I think its time we wrap this reunion"

The cultist took Cielle hand and suddenly disappeared no warning, particles or effects, simple disappeared

(??????)-"Saddly for you Goldeon, this reunion will not be over yet"
(Goldeon)-"Why not?"
(??????)-"Lord Darkness ordered us to stay and greet our friends that may arrive in some minutes"

Goldeon, Cilada and Marte were taken by surprize

(Marte)-"And this was not discussed with us first hand why?"
(Goldeon)-"I wont fight anyone, this was the ordeal!"
(Cilada)-"Kekeke, now we are speaking" *his mask beak opened letting out vapor and strange fluids* "more for my armoury"

(??????)-"No, no one is going to fight, neither steal or kill" *gesture for then to come closer* "hear out what is planned"

--1 hour ago in the resistance base--

(Athila)-*peeks out of the portal* "Errr Magnus are you around?" *notices no one*
(Magnus)-"Yes i am here" *says him walking from behind the blue portal* "you almost cut me in half you know-"

(Athila)-"Oh sorry sorry, i never thought of doing something like that-"
(Magnus)-"Chill, its fine" *sips on the cup of dark brown liquid in his hand* "if youre back that means the mission was acomplished"
(Athila)-"eeeeeeeeh- sort of?-"
(Magnus)-"Ah sorry, do you want some?" *offers the cup*
(Athila)-"Thank you, i am not sure what that is but i am fine"
(Magnus)-"Dont worry, its delicious" *sips some more* "i did it myself, learned in one of my travels"

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