The eye part 4

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Gayoul, Magnus and Marco entered the building
They were doing some small talk between each other learning a bit about Marco and letting Marco learn a somethings about then

(Marco)-"Soooo... did you guy's build this entire-" *signalling with his hands* "tower?"
(Magnus)-"No" (Gayoul)-"Yes"

They looked at each other

(Magnus)-"Its more like we restored the entire building than build it all" *sigh* "Althought some things are totally new or a sort of upgrade of the old"
(Gayoul)-"Yes yes, exactly that" *smirk putting his hand below his chin* "This entire place was falling apart before we started, it was a sort of old cathedral" *looks back at then* "We rebuild this place in less than 5 days!"

(Magnus)-"We?" *nods in disaproval* "You mean Navi, Jhon, me and Oreo rebuild this place together." *flicks Gayoul in the ear* "You did absolutelly nothing"

(Gayoul)-"WHAT??!" *yelled him* "What you mean, of course i did help, all my money went to this project" *frowns* "I am poor right now because of it"
(Marco)-"Damm..." *looks around* "Thats- rough buddy" *taps Gayoul shoulder*

(Magnus)-"Ok that you did, but i meant helping rebuild doing the hard work"
(Gayoul)-"As if using magic to do it all was hard work" *whispered*

They passed by the reception saying hello to Bill in his side job as receptionist

(Oreo)-"There you are Gayoul" *jumped Oreo out of nowhere*
(Gayoul)-"Oh, hi Oreo- this is our new recruit"
(Oreo)-*Dint even look at Marco face* "Cool, but i need you to come with me right now"

(Magnus)-"Dont mind him Marco, he is rude like that all the time"

Oreo realizes his mistake

(Oreo)-"Oooh, sorry sorry" *bowing quickly* "I dint mean to be rude, i just so happen to get carried away or hyperfixatad with things"
(Marco)-"Ahh dont worry about it, its totally fine, i myself have that happen alot"

(Oreo)-"Gayoul, i asked a friend of mine to come see your sword, as it is a relic i thought he would be capable to come with usefull data and maybe a bit of help for you with your problems using it in battle"
(Gayoul)-"Oh thats nice i will go with-" *realizes* "Wait, how did you know i was having trouble with it on battle?"
(Oreo)-"I watched your duel from tower two, it helped with data"

(Magnus)-"Oreo i think you will not be able to be there with Gayoul and your friend right now"
(Oreo)-"Whyyyyy" *sayed Oreo deflating*
(Magnus)-"Need you to show Marco more of the base and also help him tune with the surroundings in his possible work-place"
(Oreo)-"Hmmm, where is he going to-"
(Magnus)-"Med bay"
(Oreo)-"OHHH, a fellow enthusiast for the arts of science i see, come come, lets go"

Oreo runned away with Marco

(Magnus)-"He gonna be so disapointed when Marco reveals his power" *smile* "Gayoul you should go now see Oreo's friend, i have to talk with Bill about something now"

(Gayoul)-"See ya then"

Gayoul went to the housing living room, and the second he steped in the ground there he was hit with a flying broom

(Vera)-"You dumbass, cant you see i am cleaning, take your shoes first!"

(Gayoul)-"Ouch, sorry Vera i was just thinking how Oreo's friend looks like" *scratches head* "did you perhaps see him?"

(Vera)-"Ha i did, such a noble and cult man" *sigh* "almost judged him poorly, he was coming here along Oreo using some boots with dirt, clay, mud the while package" *looks ashamed* "i was dying inside and asking myself if i should hit that bumpkin"

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