scribble part 4

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Oreo went inside his laboratory
He quickly swiped all materials, papers, pens out of one of his desks
Then he realised he needs pen so he crawled around in search of then

(Oreo)-"Got it, lets now show how its done" *fixes glasses position* *gets in position*




(Oreo)-"Maybe if i writte about-" *looks around* "..."

Oreo stay for 5 minutes doing absolute nothing while sitting in a chair staring blankly at the paper and pen
For the next 45 minutes he walked around in search of inspiration

(Oreo)-"AHHHH this isn't working"

Oreo picked the paper and ripped it apart

(Oreo)-"For Heavens sake, why is this being so dificult" *trows pen* *hears it hitting glass*
(Oreo)-"Wait..." *inspiration* "HA Thats it"

Oreo walks over to his most treasured possesion, a computer
He had found it very early in his life, its what made him who he was

(Oreo)-"I know what i must do now"

Picking every single gadget, equipment and notes he had
Now he was ready for some inovation

(Oreo)-"This is the greatest idea i had in months!"

For 3 entire hours he worked
Made several prototypes, which 3 exploded and 4 crashed on thenselfs
After many atempts, it was done.

Oreo had created something new, never seen in this world
A machine that could be used along his most treasured finding

(Oreo)-"Its... perfect-" *Jumps around* "I AM THE GOD OF CREATION BABE"

From the other side of the room some clapping noises could be heard, Oreo was startled for a second until he saw who was there

(Oreo)-"What the- Vorges?? Why are you still here, i thought i said you should go back to your house and rest"

(Vorges)-"Oh yeah you did indeed say that- i just dont remenber where it is"
(Oreo)-"A... sorry for not helping you-"
(Vorges)-"Nah, its fine" *shakes his head* "I am kinda liking this place you see, very fun"
(Oreo)-"Hmm so you went out and had a turn around the place?"


(Oreo)-"Errr... sure then..." *shakes his head* "just- come here see my newest invention"
(Vorges)-"But i already watched you make it"
(Oreo)-"Sure but you did not see her working"
(Vorges)-"I saw you testing it and having success-"

Vorges got up and walked around the lab, trying to get to Oreo without stepping in all the stuff tossed around the floor

(Oreo)-"Ok ok, look at this beauty of machenary" *laughs* "I call it- Autowritter"
(Vorges)-"Ohhh, and what does it do"
(Oreo)-"Without help, nothing" *picks up a cable* "but with this put in the hole on my treasured computer"

The machine vibrated

(Oreo)-"I can finally writte papers in a much quicker pace"

Oreo finally achieved all the inspiration he needed to make the flyer
With his quick fingers trained from all his years using the machines he could easily type as fast as he could speak
With each click the machine made a noise
For anyone besides Oreo, those sounds would be just, anoying or iritating noises
But for Oreo those sounds where like songs, songs of invention, revolution, dreams and much more

(Oreo)-"And that should be... perfect!" *looks around searching vorges* "where did he go- wait for how long i stayed here..."

It was getting late, almost 4 hours had passed

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