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Claire's pov

Watching my father leave, I sighed heavily. I'm relieved he didn't beat my ass the second he walked in here but I really hate having to choose my own punishment and he knows that, which is why I think he's doing this. He's put me in timeout, so to speak, to think about my behavior and reflect on the potential consequences of my actions.

I really hate spankings because they hurt like Hell but writing lines is super annoying and tedious, so it's really a lose lose situation. If the groundings were for the same length of time I wouldn't hesitate to choose writing lines. I mean, that's a no-brainer, but an extra week of being trapped in this house would really suck. I wonder if I'd just be grounded from going outside, or if I'd be grounded from my phone, laptop, tv and all that other good stuff too.

Before I knew it, my father had returned for my decision. Oh-oh, I haven't even made up my mind yet.

"Well?" he questioned, quietly closing the study door behind him.

I don't think I've ever seen my father slam a door or even close one somewhat forcefully. I shuddered a little, thinking Grandfather must have beat that lesson into him pretty severely to get it to stick permanently. Even when we lived in California and there was no way Grandfather would have known, Dad never did it and now that Grandfather's dead, he still has yet to ever slam a door no matter how angry Uncle EJ, Aunt Lexie, or I make him.

Tony's pov

"Have you made your decision, mia figlia (my daughter)?"

"Uh, I have a few questions first. If that's ok?" Claire asked me, regarding her two punishment options.

"Of course, Sweetpea. Go ahead."

"Well, my decision depends on the terms of my grounding and what implements, if any, would be used to deliver my spanking."

I smirked, thinking that's her uncle the lawyer talking right there. Sometimes it makes me sad thinking of all the time I missed with her while I was in hiding but on the other hand, I'm glad she and my little brother had that time to bond. She already loves my little sister like crazy but she and EJ probably never would've even met if I didn't have to go away for so long. I guess that's the silver lining of my time apart from her. Well that and the time she got to spend getting to know her grandfather before he died. I'm sure it wasn't all lollipops and rainbows but I bet there were still some good experiences along the way, during their time together.

"First, I need to know if the conditions of my grounding would be the same for either option I choose."

"Yes," I said matter of factly.

"Ok. Secondly, I need to know what those conditions would be."

I smiled at my little negotiator.

"While you're grounded you will remain in the house unless one of us requests otherwise. You will not be allowed use of your phone or laptop and you will not be allowed to watch tv. You will have extra chores and an earlier bedtime to be determined by your behavior and attitude on each particular day."

"Ok. Thirdly, I need to know how you're going to spank me cuz that's gonna help determine my decision."

"I'm going to spank you very hard," I replied, smirking.

"That's not funny, Dad. I need to know so I have all the required data to make an informed decision," my little esquire in training pouted.

Suppressing a grin, I stated, "I would only be using my hand to administer your spanking, Your Honor."

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