05 & || Words Are Messy

350 28 38

|| 05.4 ||

Shifting under his gaze Mohana leaned sideways, consciously scribbling another shape of a star on her digital pad. Despite the sinking feeling in her heart, she offered him a wide smile "Definitely impressed. Now because we are still trying to find the answer to your right person, maybe this will lead us to some clues, what would you say has been the inspiration for your Mandal Collection"

Swirling the drink glass in his large muscular hand, Omar explained "The handiwork of the tribes evolved the initial drafts of symbolic printing. Blending the bright colors and then balancing them with the end of spectrum hues made it for a win"

Her facade slipped hearing about his work, with genuineness Mohana brightly said "And they were a hit at the Couture Catwalk. You have triumphed in reviving ethnic mastery to create contemporary complexities"

"I'd say it's a combined win. Theirs and ours. The cultural background for the tribes has been of utmost respect. Their colors speak of passion and desire in many unique ways and as a designer am a sucker for the foundational feelings" Omar voiced his thoughts around his award winning designs

Making notes on her digital pad Mohana mumbled "Yeah very rich valu.." but her words halted reading the next question. Her tummy coiled. Holding on to her determination she forced herself to speak "Ya the value system is very rich. Uhm so talking about these foundational feelings, let's say in lieu of the right person that the readers are still pending to uncover, who would you say has been your biggest crush?"

Masking her real feelings, she attempted to throw a charming smile in his direction. If only she could scratch off all these questions, she would. Humphing to her own self in sheer frustration Mohana determined after the trifling few questions that she had never disliked an exposé as much ever before.

Running a hand at back of his neck, his dark sparkling eyes fixedly trained at Mohana, Omar offered "I wouldn't say it's a crush precisely, but if I had to pick someone, it would be my in-house model Zaniha.." Mohana's heart came to a distressing halt. Her breathing paused hearing him say the woman's name: Zaniha

Swirling the amber liquid in the fine whiskey glass, Omar expanded "..it's amazing to tailor my outfits around her. She is immaculate. You'll see her carry all kinds of ensembles with such extreme finesse that it's simply unimaginable for someone so exquisite and dazzling to ever exist. To add to that her smile lightens up our entire studio, everyone's a fan"

"What would it take for it to be a crush?" Mohana tentatively checked exerting a professional tinge to her voice that didn't sound like her own. Her nervous fingers drew an idle box around Zaniha's name on the digital screen

Taking a sip of his drink Omar lightly shrugged "For one, not being married to one of my closest friend would have helped and I guess if we needed another point to add to that, not being the most adorable mom to my new born nephew"

His lips lightly curved in a smile but her heart lurched listening to those words. Brushing off her own heart hammering at the base of her throat, Mohana felt the urge to provide him solace. Omar Shaan the man of her dreams had lost his real love, Zaniha. She glanced at the classic watch with no intention of reading it this time around. Rapidly blinking her eyes she tried to overcome the pain her heart felt for him.

Gulping air, Mohana attempted to share a kind smile nearly croaking "You had your fans almost at the verge of finding an answer"

"I'll be happy to share answers with them as soon I have finalized a confirmation" Omar said. His eyes fractionally steered away from her to check the thunderous dark windows in the backdrop of the lightly lit studio loft

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