Chapter Fourteen.

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  "Do you want chicken or beef?" Ryan and I were sitting together at a Chinese restaurant, relaxing while getting food.

  "Chicken, please." Ryan said, then as the waitress was leaving, Ryan surprised me by kissing my cheek. Anytime his lips touched my skin, chills would crawl up my spin, and the feeling of butterflies in my stomach would appear.

  "So, I had an idea I want to cross by you," He looked serious but kind as he played with his fork.

  "And what would that be?" I grabbed his hand, causing him to look at me and smile sweetly, which made the butterflies go nuts.

  "Let's get out of here." I looked at him confused.

  "But we just ordered." He laughed slightly, then looked at me again.

  "Thats not what I meant, dork." He kissed my forhead. I was still confused.

  "Well, then what did you mean?"

  "Let's get out of here, this town, this state. Heck, even this country. Let's got to Paris, or Italy, anywhere you want, let's go!" He began to get excited, making a few people look our way but he brushed them off. I laughed shyly at the thought.

  "Ryan... I-"

  "I know, it's sounds ridiculous, but I think we need a break. I want us to go somewhere, away from everyone here, get out and have some time, just the two of us. Don't you think so?"

  "It would be nice. But Ryan, I don't think we can-" He cut me off again, knowing where I was going.

  "(Y/N), don't worry about that. I've saved enough, so don't worry. Just... Come on. Let's go." He looked at me with such excitement, my heart started melting. I could never say no to him, I wanted to see him happy.

  "... Okay, bu-" He hugged me, almost throwing me off my chair. "But! We have to agree on where, and it can't be too expensive."

  "Where ever you want to go, I'll go, as long as I can be with you." With that comment, I couldn't help but 'aww' at him and kiss him, until a plate was placed in front of us.

  "Thank you." I said, smiling at the man as he placed Ryan's plate on the table.

  The rest of the night was peacefully, romantic, in a sappy way. He took me for a walk around the lake as the sun set. We talked about our days as if we haven't seen each other in years. He was so excited about a new game release, but also pissed at a company for stopping their production on a different game. Seeing him get all hyped up made me smile.

  "What?" He said with a slight giggle.

  "Huh, oh, nothing." I said, keeping my head down.

  "No, tell me, why are you smiling?" He lead us to a bench. As we sat down, he took one arm around me, holding me softly.

  "You just... You're... I just love you so much," I said, forcing my face in the space between his jaw and his shoulder. He placed a hand on the back of my head, softly holding it in place until he spoke.

  "I love you too. Always." I brought my head up to eye level with him, smiled and kissed his cheek. A bit childish, but still cute. He chuckled. "So have you come up with where you want to go?"

  I looked down, suddenly amazed by the grass beneath my feet. I was a little shy to tell him where I wanted to go, only because it was a very common place for couples to go to while on vacation, and I didn't know how he'd feel about it. He ran his fingers through my hair, catching my attention once again.

  "So? Come on, tell me, I want to know." He softly begged for a response.

  "Well... It's a common place... Very romantic... Couples go there a lo-"

  "Is it Paris?" I looked at him with a silly shocked look on my face. He laughed a little and I nudged him.

  "It's not funny." He was still laughing. "I think it's romantic, I know it isn't some place that no ones ever heard of, but I've always wanted to go, and plus it's still has cool places to go near it, places that not many people go to, and it-"

  "Okay." I continued on, not noticing he agreed.

  "I know, I know, but come on, haven't you wanted to go on the Eiffel Tower, or eat some snails, or-" I stopped and looked at him. "Wait, what?"

  "I said okay, we'll go." He shined a smile when he noticed my eyes light up.

  "Really? Are you sure? Paris is a cheesey place to go to, we can go somewher-" he cut my off by pressing his lips against mine. I could feel my chest get heavy with excitment. My mind had thoughts crossing every which way, of him and questioning why he's was bringing this trip up out of the blue but not caring too much of the details.

  At this very moment, my life was perfect.


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