Chapter Seventeen.

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A warm hand was softly placed on my face as I slept in a cozy bed. When I opened my eyes, I could see Ryan looking at me with nothing but love in his eyes. His hand continued to caress my cheek making me blush, he reacted with a chuckle.

"Good morning, babe," he said quietly, not to desturb the peacefulness around us. His hand left my face a relaxed on my hip as I moved closer to him.

"Good morning, handsome." I began to stretch, but his hand stayed comfortably on my side.

"You sleep well?"

"For once, yeah. What about you?" I asked, still at a low whisper.

"I can always sleep well as long as I'm with you." I looked at him and 'awed' before kissing him softly. Suddenly, our bedroom door swung open and two kids came running in, their laughter filling the air. Both Ryan and I sat up to look at the children that were playing around the room, he began laughing and held me closer. The kids looked at us, still laughing, then jumped on the bed to hug Ryan and I individually.

"Mommy! Daddy! You're awake!" The said in sync. Even though it was a buatiful sight, I felt very confused. Mommy? I don't have children. I could tell I was smiling genuinely, but didn't know why. We're these my children, were these Our children? It couldn't be, we aren't even married. I went to look at my left hand and noticed a gorgeous diamond wedding ring, I looked back Ryan and continued to smile cheerfully.

"(Y/N), I lo-" I could hear Ryan begin to say something but his voice got quiet.

"I'm sorry?" I went to look at him but everything disappeared. I was still in bed but there were no kids and Ryan was gone.

"(Y/N)..." I could hear him in a distance.


"(Y/N)... Wake up," his voice suddenly began to change. It didn't sound like his anymore.

"Ryan?!" I began to get scared, I could feel my chest get heavy. "Ryan, where are you?!"

"(Y/N)... Wake... Up!"

I woke up to a splash of cold water on me. The basement I found myself in was chilling and had a lingering smell of mold in the air. I was tied up to a pole behind me, but I noticed I was still wearing my clothes from when I was in the coffee shop.

"Wha-... Where am I?" I ask myself out loud, not expecting a response, then jump from fright when I get one.

"In my basement. I tried sprucing it up, but I got bored after a while." Anger fills in me, wanting to rip out of the ropes and attack him.

"Felix! How long have I been here? Let me go!" I demand but he simply laughs.

"You've been here for two weeks, you think I'd let you go now? I'm just starting to have fun." My eye widen at the words 'two weeks'. What? I don't remember being here that long, that can't be true.

"You're lying! That's not true! Ry-"I scream out when I feel I sharp slap across my cheek. The pain hurt so much I start to cry quietly.

"Don't you DARE say his name in my house!" he stands up and fixes his composer. "But, since you brought him up, I guess that means you forgot. When I took you, he waited a couple days for you to return, but I told him that there was no point, you found someone better tha-"

"That's not true and you know it!" I scream, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Yes, but he doesn't. He was sad at first, but found someone too." I look at him in pure shock and disbelief. "He's happy now. Without you. And I'm happy with you, it's a win-win." He chuckles and softly puts his hands on my face, but I move my face away and spit in his eye.

"Fuck you!" More tears fall as I think that Ryan may have forgotten about me. No. Stop it. He loves you. He'd never leave you with this asshole. Never.

"Well, that wasn't nice of you." I feel an intense pain as he slams the back of my head into the pole. My vision start to fade a little, I hear Felix yelling something but it's too late. I start to fade back to sleep.


** Hi there beautiful people! Wanted to make a quick note, apologizing for my absence, no excuses, I just didn't know what to wright... I guess that's still an excuse, but it's true. Well I got 16 and 17 up so maybe that'll help out:) next few chapter after this should be chalk full of juicy things.:) Well, I hope you day was, is, or will be wonderful, Happy Halloween and I'll see you in a few:)**

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