Chapter Twenty.

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"Ryan! Thank god you're okay! I'm fine, just get me out of here, please, hurry!" Tears start falling down my face, burning as they got into my cuts and bruises. I hear him raddle at the door knob again.

Then my heart stopped when I heard a gun shot. I could feel my body go numb, the tears still running down my face. My body began trembling as I slumped to the ground. Mixed emotions of pain, fear, anger, and sadness running through my mind. It became difficult to see as more tears started to form. My head began to spin and a sudden feeling of sickness flushed over me. I stumbled as I tried to stand up and found my way to a bucket in the corner, then almost instantly, I began throwing up. I continued to cry, then found myself screaming. He can't be gone, he can't! Our lives were just beginning. I lived him, he can't leave me, not now, he has to be okay. I lean back against the wall. "Please be okay." I whispered.

I began remembering the first day I met him. His beautiful emarld green eyes looking at me with pure love and care. His glorious smile that instantly makes me feel better even when I'm at my lowest. Just think of his smile put a small grin on my face. His face. His soft face. And his luscious hair, I missed running my fingers through his hair when he fell asleep watching tv with me. Everything about him made me happy. Even if we had an agrument, he would stop everything, look at me, smile and say he loved me and everything would be good again. Anytime I would cry he would tell me a joke, and even if it wasn't funny to me, he would laugh so hard that I wouldn't be able to help myself. Oh, his laugh. It wouldn't be a normal day without hearing his laugh at least once.

As more thoughts of him went through my mind, I slowly brought my knees to my chest and rested my head on top. Closing my eyes, I only thought of him, hoping time would pass quickly and all of this would be over.

I'm startled when I hear a thud outside the door. My heart begins beat fast. It has to be Felix. Dammit. Why won't he leave me alone?! Without realization, I get up and grab the closet object near me, being the bucket I threw up in. I take one step to the door and notice the door knob turning slowly. "Mother fucker..." I say quietly as the door start to open. "Leave me alo-!" I stop moving, dropping the bucket to the side. "I can't... No... Is it really?..." I walk forward, slowly placing my hand on Ryan's face. Part of me did so to make sure I wasn't imaging it, the other part of me did it because of the thought I won't be able to later.

"It-it's okay (Y/N), its okay. I'm here. You're safe." I could feel more tears falling down my face from pure happiness. I noticed his eyes begin to water, then he smiled. I could tell there was pain in his smile but also love and happiness. I couldn't help myself and pulled him in for a tight hug. I heard him wince but he didn't pull away, he wanted to hug me as much as I wanted to hug him. The hug only lasted a few seconds but it felt like forever, which only made me happier.

"Are you okay? I heard a gun shot, I thought-..." I paused as I pulled slowly away from him.

"I'm okay, and don't worry about that sound, everything's okay. I'm more worried about what did he do to you?" I felt his hand softly touch my cheek, and even though it hurt, I put my hand on top of his.

"He got a few hits in, but I'm okay. I'm just so glad you're here. He kept telling me that you were gone, and moved on to someone better, that you didn't really love me and that you would never love me and-" he cuts me off of my rant by pressing his lips against mine.

"Dont ever think that (Y/N). Everyday I was looking for you. You disappeared and all I could think of was where you were and that I needed to find you. I haven't had a good night's sleeps in weeks, (Y/N). If that's not love, I don't know what is." He smiles again softly. "I love you too much to give up that easily." I began crying hysterically, he softly placed my head on his chest and held me close, kissing my head and telling me I was safe now.

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