Chapter Fifteen.

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  I woke up early in the morning, having a strong urge to pee. Walking to the bathroom, I noticed the clock on the dresser read 3:28. Ryan wasn't in bed tonight, since it was Saturday, and he always did live streams on these nights. Since it was completely dark, it didn't come to much surprise when I ran into the doorway, face first.

  "Son of a-!!" I cut my self off by biting on my finger. I heard some slight movement in the other room where Ryan was streaming but after a little, laughter filled the air. I let out a small sigh, then a hissed at the door frame for being in my way to the bathroom. With the reminder that I was at the bathroom door, I rushed in, and quickly sat down before I peed myself. I couldn't help but let out a sound of relief.

  "Guess you reall-" I gasped, cutting Ryan off, and stopping my pee abruptly, making him chuckle, "needed to go to the bathroom." He continued to laugh.

  "How did you know I was in here," I asked while calmly covering my area from his sight as I continued. "Arent you streaming still?"

  "I heard your little battle with the door, so I went to check. And no, Russ, wasn't feeling too well and everyone else was getting a little tired so we ended it a little early." He crossed his arms and leaned on the doorway, still smiling at my previous reaction, I was guessing.

  "I didn't realize I was that close to the door," I paused for a moment, a little shy because I was ready to wipe. "And oh. I hope he feels better soon." When I was done, I pulled my shorts up and flushed the toilet. As I went to wash my hands, I saw Ryan walk towards me.

  "Are you okay?" He asked.

  "Yeah, why?" I questioned while turning off the faucet and dried my hands with the nearest towel.

  "Because your bleeding." I quickly looked at the mirror above the sink and noticed that I had a gash in my head that was gushing blood. Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaderation, it was a cut with a small streak of blood going down the middle of my face, but with how late it was, my mind made it seem worse. I started to cry slightly and scream quietly in pain.

  After a few minutes and Ryan finally calming me down enough to clean up the blood, he broke the silence while finding some gauze to use. "How did you not notice?"

  "I really had to pee." Was all I said.

  "(Y/N), you need to be more careful." He let out a small sigh, but had a joking smile on his face.

  "Oh, yeah, says the guy who can't cook something without almost burning down the place."

  "Hey!" He paused, I jumped a little from the loudness. "I can cook Mac n cheese pretty good." We looked at each other for minute until he started laughing, I followed after. Once we calmed down from the laughter, he finished patching me up, then cleaned up the trash of bandaid wrappers and used gauzes. "I wasn't kidding." Everything got serious as he helped me off the floor. "I don't want you to get hurt."

  "I'll be okay, I swear. Just couldn't see, and was too lazy to turn on the light first." I said. He eyes looked worried, but as I flashed him a smile of reassurance, he smiled back. "Lets get to bed, I'm tired and you look beat." With that, he let out a big yawn. "See. Come on, bed time."

  "Okay, okay." He held my hand as we went to our bed and he quickly went to sleep with his arms around me.


  I could hear my phone vibrating in the distance. As I opened my eyes, they flashed over to the clock, which read 5:10. When I grabbed my phone, the bright screen blinded me for a second until they readjusted. I had a text message. From Felix.

  'See me tomorrow. We need to speak.'

  I cursed at myself. Not for waking up or reading the text, but for thinking that everything was normal. For forgetting that he was here, in my life, to ruin it. He was here to ruin me. I turned off the screen, placed it back in its spot, a quietly moved closer to Ryan, but couldn't managed to go back to sleep.


  Hi again, beautiful people. I wanted to apologized for the wait. I want to upload fourteen and fifteen together, but had so road blocks on what to do for fifteen. After a little, I came up with this!:) I hope you all like it, and sixteen and seventeen are under construction right now! Also, on a seperate note, I wanted to bring up that I am doing live streams on Twitch! It's a new thing I'm doing and very funny. If you want, check it out:) Anyways, I hope you beautiful people have a good day, night, morning, whatever:) --DarkPhoenix.

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