Chapter Nine.

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  The next day was strange for me. I wanted to tell Ryan about last night with Felix but I didn't want him to get upset at me, plus I had no clue what Felix would do if he found out I told him. When he told me not to tell anyone, I was honestly terrified. What would he do if I told?

  I was sitting at the dining table with a cup of warm herbal tea to try to calm my nerves and thoughts. It was about nine in the morning, and as much as I wanted to go back in the room and cuddle up to Ryan, I couldn't. I needed to think. Plus he didn't sleep last night, he was up playing some game with his friends. I don't know when he went to sleep but when I woke up an hour ago, he was laying next to me.

  The tea wasn't really helping me much, so I grabbed my phone and ear buds and sat on the couch in the living. As I plugged the ear buds in, I went on to one of my favourite apps: Youtube. I hadn't been on in a while so I wasn't surprised to see that my favourite youtubers uploaded a lot. Scrolling through, I saw that one channel had only three uploads, which was odd. I tapped the screen and watch as the video played.

  "Hey guys, and welcome to Cr-" Cry was cut off.


  "We're doing an intro?! No one told me this!" His voice was a bit annoying, but sounded familiar, until an unfamiliar voice chimmed in.


  "Pewds, you idiot! We said we were all going to do our intros before we start playing." His voice was a bit deeper than the others, including Cry's. The three men argued for a little longer until a british female started to yell at them all.

  "Can we get on with the game?!" Minx. I always loved her, she was funny, and I loved how strong of a woman she was. The guys got quiet and Cry finished his intro.

  "As I was saying; and welcome to Cry plays Speedrunner, with Pewds, Ken, and Minx. And I'm so going to win." All of them laughed a little. The video went on with Cry losing and Pewds dead with in seconds after a new match started. Listening to Cry's voice reminded me that I needed to talk to Ryan, but in the back of my mind, I was worried I would be pushing.

  A hand appeared in front of my phone, startling me. I looked and saw Ryan laughing a little, glancing down at me.

  "I thought you were still asleep." I said moving over so he could sit next to me. He wrapped one arm around my back and placed his other hand on my knee.

  "I was, but I heard you laughing and decided to see why. What you watching?" He tried looking at my phone but I moved it away from his view.

  "I-it's nothing." I said, keeping my phone away from him.

  "No it's not. What is it?" He reached over to grab it but instead he started to tickle me and I began to laugh uncontrollably.

  "O-okay, okay!" He stopped then held me in his strong arms. "It's just a youtuber I like to watch. He was playing a game with his friends." My phone was stuffed somewhere in the couch and my ear buds were on the floor. Ryan was still holding me while he put his head on mine.

  "Oh, really? That's cool, whats his name?" I moved a little, feeling my nerves kick in.

  "Uh... His name... It's Cryaotic. But Cry for short." I felt him tense up with the mention of the name. He didn't say anything for a while.

  "So you like him? Is he cool?" He asked, breaking the silence.

  "I enjoy watching his game play, he's good at playing, and is funny. He's pretty well known, but I think most of the girls that watch are more into his voice."

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