🌹CHAP 24🌹

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I wail in thegirls bathroom because I have no where else. I have no idea why I feel this much pain. I mean we weren't even dating or anything. Memories flitted through my head.

Our almost kiss at the mall, the ice cream parlour, the time at my house, the hug he gave and when he when
said he missed me. They just seem to
make me cry harder.

I like West.

I'd admit it to myself at least I've had a crush on him since day one but the time the spent with him just made it much bigger had expected. And the scene with Merida kinda just seemed like a big blow and it hurts, it really does.

I've spent like more than an hour here. I got up to leave. I wash my face an stare at my puffy red eyes. It's quite sad really.

Leaving the washroom, i text Mintrude informing her that I was calling in sick and was leaving early. I call Aunt Emerald next asking if she was available to pick me up.

" Why?"

" I desperately need a ride, please, please, say yes"

"No." She replied firmly.

"You see,Aunt, I'm having really bad cramps and I'm basically rolling on the floor and my teacher looks like he wants to kill me,puke and just die. It's really bad,Aunt."

"Dramatic as always,I'm on my way." She chuckled.

" Thanks."

After 15 minutes,she texts me that she has arrived. I rush to my locker,pack homework and leave the non essentials before dashing towards the carpark, trying to avoid teachers and hall monitors.

"LylyAnne !" Shit,not to mention,West, too.

West voice fuels me to ran faster as though my demons are after me,well they kinda are. You'll never catch me alive~~

Out of breath,i leap into the car," Aunt Em,hit it." I feel like a stunt man. The car speeds out of the yard and the last i see of West is his broken expression.

"You wanna talk about it?" Aunt Emmy asks. I do not for a moment believe that she believed a whit of my made up story but after binge eating snacks and sulking, I figured she'd come over.

" Does it have anything to do with-",she asks.

" Why does everyone think that my life revolves around West?" I ask, frustrated.

"No one said anything about West," Aunt Em says, chucking.

I color slightly," Well,you know... Everyone just kinda does." I shrug. She totally ignores my nonsense.

" What happened? What did he do?" Aunt Em enquires. My eyes start to water at that point so I shut them. " I may or may not have seen someone calling you while we were leaving." She continues. " I don't know what's going on but if you want to get rid of him, lemme know."

I smile tiredly," Will do, Aunt ,will do."

She leaves only to peak back in," The landline has been ringing for ages now,you might what to check out your phone."

Where's my phone,anyway?

I search for it and find it under my notes in my book bag and it's almost out of battery. Where the hell is that charger? 35 missed calls? Well...

A text just comes through,
-unicornsn'pizza: "Hey,you okay?"

I lift an eyebrow," Heyyy, who's this?

-unicornsn'pizza : " Seb. Everyone's all frenzied looking for you. Where'd you go."

" Home"

"How'd you get there?"

" I flew, discovered I could do that just this afternoon."

-unicornsn'pizza :" No shit, Sherlock. West said to please answer your phone,he wants to talk to you. Ah,stress on please."

"Incoming call from Crackhead", my phone rings, jolting me.


" Hi, Mintrude."

" West said you just left. What's going on?" She sounds so panicked. Call me sick,but it's been long since I've heard such care from someone so it feel good.

All the emotions I'm striving to keep compressed rear their heads and soon I'm a blubbering mess and everything just kind of spills. " Could you please come over? I kind of could do with some company."

" I'm halfway there, Lyly. Is it an ice cream or junk food kind of situation?"
She asks.

" Both." I reply, pouting.

" Sheesh,girl. Okay,see you soon."

Ice cream is for 'it's bad but I'll get over it's situations. Junk food is for ' it'll take me forever to get over' situations. Both of them together is a total disaster.

Anyways , I'm positive I look like a mess, I move towards the mirror,yeah i do. I wiggle my brows, it's not like West likes me so what my problem here.

Ah, I seriously need a long, scorching. bath.

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