Chapter 4

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Ever since Ashton and Reagan had talked that one afternoon at starbucks, they had grown to be closer. They both felt more comfortable with one each other since it was apparent they could talk about personal things and depend on the other person.

It had been a week and Ashton had only seen Reagan one or two times since then. Ashton was busy working and Reagan had also been working while trying to figure out her situation with Ryan. She had no clue what exactly she wanted to do. She was tired of giving him chances, but she felt as if she shouldn't give up on him quite yet.

"Hey Ash," Reagan said through the phone.

"Hey," Ashton said balancing the phone between his ear and his shoulder while trying to put away the dishes his mom had left him to do while she was working.

"Would you be up for another starbucks meetup?" Reagan asked. Ashton peered into the living room to see Harry playing Xbox and he could also hear Lauren's music coming from her room.

"Well i'm actually babysitting my siblings right now," Ashton said hesitantly. He knew that he could probably leave Lauren and Harry at home for a little while if Reagan really needed to talk to someone but he just wasn't sure if it was a good idea. Plus, Harry had a cough recently and seemed to be getting a cold.

"Oh, it's fine," Reagan said quietly.

"Did you want to talk or something?" Ashton asked feeling slightly guilty. He hadn't been able to sit down with Reagan since the starbucks day for more than two minutes.

"I just kind of wanted to get out of the house that's all," she said making Ashton know what she was talking about. He knew she was still on the fence about Ryan and she probably felt suffocated being around him because she didn't know what she wanted.

"You could come hang out at my house. I mean that's kind of lame but like," Ashton began to say but was cut off.

"That's not lame, I mean if you're okay with it," Reagan responded. Ashton agreed it was fine, and texted her his address before hanging up the phone.

Ashton went into the living room and watched Harry play whatever game he was playing until Reagan got there.

Once Reagan pulled up in front of Ashton's house, she put her phone on silent not wanting to be bothered. She needed some time to relax, she was way too stressed out with Ryan and life at the moment. Ashton padded his way outside to meet Reagan while she was walking up to his door.

"Hey," he smiled as he held open the door for her.

"Hey," she smiled as she slowly walked past him. Ashton shut the door behind her and led Reagan into the living room.

"Harry, say hi to my friend Reagan," Ashton said as they stood in the doorway. Harry hit pause and looked back, becoming shy. He just waved at her slowly and then went back to his game which made Reagan let out a small chuckle.

"Lauren?" Ashton knocked on his little sister's door.

"Come in," she shouted. Ashton opened the door to find her reading a book.

"This is my friend Reagan." Lauren said hello and then Ashton told her the two would be in his room if she needed anything. Ashton led Reagan into his room where she sat on the edge of his bed letting her eyes wander around his room.

Ashton picked up the tv remote trying to see if anything was on.

"How's Ryan been since we last talked?" Ashton asked hoping he wasn't being too nosy.

"We were okay, but now it seems to have fallen back to what it was before," Reagan sighed. Ashton joined Reagan next to her on his bed, turning down the volume on his tv slightly.

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