Another kind of life

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Includes spanish text that is translated via google translate, but the english translation is also there.

2011 Pingueta, Venezuela

"Sra Avila, hay alguien al teléfono exigiendo hablar con usted (Mrs Avila, there is someone on the phone demanding to speak with you)" my assistans voice cuts through the thin air of the office and the heavy rain outside, i look up.

"Pídeles que dejen un mensaje, estoy a punto de ir a una reunión (Ask them to leave a message, i'm about to go into a meeting)" i say, not really caring as to who it could be. If it's important they'll call back or leave a message. But i should answer any call really, this is a legal aid office after all.

"Dice que es urgente e insiste en hablar contigo en persona (He says it's urgent and insists to speak with you in person)" she says and i wave my hand to gesture for her to come in and not stand in the door.

"¿Quién es? (Who is it?)" i ask, intrigued as to who could be so persistent. Looking up at the woman in front of me.

"Se hacía llamar Nick Fury (He called himself Nick Fury)" as she says the name my whole body tenses but i believe i hide it well as she doesn't react.

"Pásalo a mí (Patch it over to me)" i answer and the woman walks back to her stationed desk.

"This is Naia Avila speaking, how may i help you today" i say as i pick up the phone to my ear.

"We both know that's not your name" Nick answers with his arrogance and i sign.

"How'd you find me?" i ask, trying to get to the point.

"That's on a need to know basis" he answers and i roll my eyes. "I just thought i should inform you that we found Steve Rogers, and he's alive"

"Wha... what? He's alive, how?" i ask in disbelief. But he wouldn't lie about this, not even to try and get me back into the US.

"He was found frozen in the ice and i thought that you would want to know" he says and i look out the big window wall, onto the rain smattering down the glass.

"I'm still not coming to work for you" i say and he gives me a soft laugh.

"I know, but i think you should come by, so that he can wake up to a familiar face"

"You know i can't do that" is all i answer, even though i would like nothing more. "Now, is that all?"

"No, she found the file on you" i freeze as i know exactly who he means.

"You know i'll have to disappear"

"We'll find you again. So until then..."

"Goodbye Nick"

"Goodbye... Naia" he says and i hang up. Oh fuck, oh fuck.

"Virginia, cancela el resto de mi día. tengo un lugar donde necesito estar (Virginia, cancel the rest of my day. I have somewhere i need to be)" i call out to my assistant who comes back into my office.

"¿Qué hay de la reunión con el Sr. García? (What about the meeting with Mr Garcia?)" she asks, reminding me that i really shouldn't cancel it.

"Dile que lo reprogramamos para el almuerzo de mañana. (Tell him we'll reschedule it for lunch tomorrow.)" i answer as i get out of my chair and grab my purse in the same movement. "Y antes de preguntar, adelante con la señora Alguardi a cenar y nos vemos mañana (And before you ask, push forward with Mrs Alguardi to dinner and i'll see you tomorrow)" i add before i walk past her out of the office. Not that i'll be around for that to happen.

As i step outside of the office building, letting the rain wet my face to wash the stress off. Cars are driving fast on the wet ground, anything could happen. Especially as i concentrate on making a small patch of ice on the road. It'll happens quickly and the next day the headlines will be 'Naia Avila, a Lawyer at our local Legal Aid Office passed away after a fatal car accident'. Nick will get the news and so will she, it's a new addition she will see in the file. But it won't stand deceased... it'll stand for something like 'location; unknown'. And it's for the best as the strong headlights come too close to me and everything goes black.

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