31. Finals Pt 2

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Strong arms were wrapped around me as his firm body pressed against mine, and soft snores rang in my ears. I glance over at the clock trying to make out what the hands are reading, five am. Indy set the alarm for five thirty, so we could prepare for the last day of school. He got most of the tests graded and had my class left to give the exam and grade. I can't wait for them to post the finals and find out how my studying paid off. I close my eyes and scoot closer to Indy, and let his body heat relax me. Indy held me tighter and let out a soft sigh as he clung on to sleep. I love waking up in his arms and hearing his soft snores; moments like this are nothing but magical.

The alarm went off, causing Indy to roll over and turn it off before rolling back to me. He hugged me tighter and kissed my cheek before brushing my hair back. "Good morning, my soul." His deep morning voice whispers in my ear.

"Good morning, my love." I smile up at him.

"Come on; we must get ready." He rubbed my shoulder before getting out of bed. We got up and started our daily routine, and I was delighted because I knew we were going on our trip soon.

"Someone is in a good mood this morning." Indy came over and wrapped his strong arms around me as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm excited because we are going on our adventure on Tuesday." I smile as I look at him in the mirror. He smiled and kissed my neck as I felt how happy he was. "I can't wait." He smiles before pulling back. "Come on; I made you a bagel and coffee."

I walk into math and take my seat after getting anxious about getting my finals back today. "Are you okay?" Danielle asks me as she puts her hand on my arm.

"We get our final back today, and I'm nervous about this class." I confess as I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

"I'm sure you did just fine." She smiles softly, trying to calm me down. The bell rang, and our professor grabbed a stack of papers and stood up front. "When I call your name, come get your final." He tells us. I waited for my name to be called as I got very anxious, bouncing my leg up and down. "Mrs. Smith." He called Danielle. She got up and got her test looking at it with a smile before looking at me. She came over and showed me her test, and I saw a red 98% written at the top.

"Ahh, I'm so happy for you." I tell her loudly with a smile. Everyone got their test, and I was the last to be called. I slowly walked down to him to see he had a giant smile on his face as he looked me in the eyes. I get my test and look at the red mark in the upper right corner to see something I never thought I'd see, 'Fantastic job 100%'. "Yes!!" I cheer and hold my arms up in victory before fist-pumping the air getting many chuckles in response. I went back to my seat and showed Danielle, and she got a giant smile on her face and hugged me. "I knew you could do it!!" She squeals as she bounces up and down.

"Women." A boy behind us chuckles to his buddy.

"Oh!! I can't believe it!!" Danielle shakes her hand's from side to side. I quickly tapped my head so Indy can open the connection so I can tell him about my grade. 'I take it you got your final back?' His thoughts had a smile in it.

'I did.' My thoughts were so enthusiastic as I couldn't contain my excitement.

'Hold on, let me go to my office.' He tells me, and I watch him excuse himself from the class quickly and go to his back office. He shut the door and waited for me to tell him my grade.

'I GOT A 100%!!!'

'YES! I knew you could do it, baby! I'm so proud of you! See what did I say; I told you that you'd do great! I never doubted you for a second!' He cheered for me. 'Tonight we will celebrate! I love you, and I'm so proud of you, baby!'

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