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Ethan asked Eliza if she had a home to go back to.

Eliza: not really, I was raised in a orphanage since I was young, but I was bullied for my Quirk.

Ethan: that's sad but mabye you can stay with me and my siblings , because we do have some room.

Eliza: Really, thank you Ethan , and let's get into UA together.

Ethan smiled at Eliza and the 2 began to run back home.

                             *Night time*

Ethan and Eliza made it back to his apartment and entered.

Ethan: Roxy, Rex I'm back.

Roxy: One minute!

Roxy came and greeted them both.

Roxy: Rex, Eths back!

Rex sped into the room and high fived his bro.

Rex: Who's this, your Girlfriend?

Eth blushed and Eliza giggled

Eliza: No but he did save me

Roxy: Ethan what have we told about helping people, you don't have your licence yet, if mom and Dad were still here-

Rex stopped her and took her out the room.

Rex: Sorry bro, but you know how she is, she's just watching out for you.

Ethan: I know but I just wish they were here , so they could guide me because I'm still learning my quirk I know how to use my absorption side but the crafting I can only use for a short time

Rex ruffles his bros hair up and told him he'll be a great hero someday

Eliza: Do I smell Smoke?

Rex: Oh crap, uh great meeting you Eliza, ROXY FIRE EXTINGUISHER!!

Ethan took Eliza to his room.

Eliza: Woah your room is so big.

Ethan: Thanks, check this out.

Ethan pressed a button which turned on his lights revealing posters of heroes

Eliza: That's the N⁰¹ hero All Might.

Ethan: yep, there's the engine hero Ingenium , The Dragon Hero Ryuku, and a poster if my parents, Weapon Smith and Element Commander.

Eliza: Woah, I'm sure they're proud of you Ethan

Ethan: Thanks and call me Eth, makes it easier to say my name, let me get a sleeping bag, then we need to get some rest,  we got a long day tomorrow.

Eliza didn't have many clothes so Roxy lent some of her clothes to Eliza.

And the next day training began.

They went to the beach and started to get better with their quirks.

Ethan: OK, now I want to see your quirk in action, if you want to demonstrate your quirk a bit more you can.

Eliza: OK, Watch this.

Eliza fired a green ecto blast at the sea.

Ethan: nice, anything else.

Eliza: I do have one more but it's a bit loud.

Ethan: Can you show me.

Eliza: ok but you better cover your ears

Ethan covered his ears.


Eliza shouted and a green Sound wave appeared.

Ethan: You weren't kidding when it was loud, holy shit.

Eliza: Yah, it was loud.

The next months went by and Ethan and Eliza had grown very strong.

Roxy: good luck to you both, and Eliza keep an eye on Ethan ok.

Ethan: Roxy!

Roxy chuckled and handed Ethan and Eliza jump suits.

Rex: Knock the exams out the park.

Eliza: We will, need a lift.

Roxy: Uh you sure, you'd be flying naked the whole way there.

Eliza: thanks to my training,  I don't go full intangible, I can carry Eth without causing him to lose his clothes or mine for that matter.

Ethan: We should go, ready?

Eliza: Ready, Air Eliza is ready for take off.

Ethan: we'll be back later

A/N note Exams begin will be released in due time when I have time

But if you have feedback tell me and I shall try to improve.

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