Performance of a lifetime.

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Ethan was thinking of ideas to add pizzazz to the show, and then he had an idea.

Ethan: Yuga, Houseki,  I need to speak to you.

Ethan asked Houseki if she could turn her body crystal

Houseki:Uh, I can, but why?

Ethan explained that Houseki and him would be a giant crystal chandelier, and Yuga could use his laser to make it glow.

Aoyama said thats a good idea, but hes a bit worried that he may hurt them.

Ethan said not to use it with as much power.

Ethan: Think it'll work?

Jirou thinks this over and says it could work, but they'd need Midoriya to help.

Ethan went to look for Midoriya, and then he saw some people


Welder:Look over there.

Livewire ran over to Ethan and gave her a hug.

Livewire:How are you, kiddo?

Ethan:I'm.doing ok, what are you guys doing here?

Weilder:Thought we'd come and see the performance you were doing wi-

Welder saw Ethan's arm and leg

Ethan:Oh yeah, a lot's happened since my work study.

Ethan told them everything that had happened.


DynaBeast was giving Ethan a big hug, although he may have bent his arm a bit.

Ethan:Grh, let go, please, can't breathe...

DynaBeast let go of Ethan.

Welder: I'm so sorry that it happened to you...

Livewire:If I see that ghost girll I'll fry her from the

Welder:Liv, calm down, you kill anyone, and you'll be stripped of your license.


Ethan noticed Midoriya was back and bid the Constructors fairwell.

Welder:We'll watch you from the .

Livewire:Yeah, we'll watch from the crowd... (while I make the Ghost girl pay, at any cost...)

(A/N: Livewire has a little crush on Ethsn, and from her thoughts , she may be A Yandre, can I get a yikes in chat.)

Ethan spoke to Midoriya about the chandelier and said it could work, but he'd need to use more of OFA to keep all 3 of them in the air.

The show was about to start, and Ethan asked Houseki to make him a Shard of Crystal to absorb.

The performance starts, and Ethan absorbs the crystal as he and Houseki get ready.

Ethan: (ready?)

Hoiseki nods as the 2 in their crystal states are lifted up as Aoyama blasts them with his laser, but the rope begins to break,as Midoriya quickly using his cowling grabs them but as they were about to hit the floor the began to... float?

Izuku looked confused as the performance ended.

Izuku:Whst was that?

Momo:Uh guys?


Ethan looked down and realised he was standing in his underwear. Turn out, Aoyama burned his clothes off (don't you dare simps)

Houseki looked at Ethan and looked away.


Ethan went back to his room while being chased by girls interested in his muscles.


Livewire looked for Ecta, wanting to get revenge for Ethan's leg and arm.

Livewire: I know you're here, witch!

Ecta emerged from the ground.

Ecta was wearing an outfit similar to the enchantress but with different gloves.

Ecta:What do you want, hero?

Livewire used her quirk to create a knife.

Livewire:... Revenge

Livewire rushed Ecta with her lighting fast speed and managed to slash her before getting blasted back,  Ecta looked down at her

Ecta:Don't you know not to f*ck with a witch..?

Livewire:Nope, but I can do this, VOLTAGE VIBRATE!!

Livewire grabbed Ecta and used her quirk to electrifiy her  but she phased through the floor before she could get hurt

Livewire:Damn it.


Welder and DynaBeast arrived to see Livewire cover in Blood.

Welder: explain now!

Livewire :She had to pay..., IS that not worth something...?

Welder:We are going back now!

DynaBeast:Me disappointed in Livewire...

Welder and DynaBeast walked off, and Livewire followed.

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