The Joint training exercise

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The day of the exercise has arrived, and Ethan was out for a run, but..

Ethan looked at the Rees and saw someone watching him. It looked like... Plasmia.


The ghost began to approach, and Ethan backed up.

Ethan quickly absorbed a boulder and readied himself.

Ethan:Why are you here? You've  already part of my body. Is that not enough for you?!

The ghost walked next to him and said this.

???:Watch your back cause I'm coming for you..

Ethan swung his arm, and she vanished.

Ethan de-materialised and ran back to the dorms.

Ethan reached the dorms as Ashido walked downstairs.

Mina:Kazeshiro, what wrong- OH

Ethan grabbed Mina's shirt.

Ethan:Mina, I think..., I THINK I SAW PLASMIA!!

Mina saw he was sweating like crazy and sat him down.

After he got into his UA uniform, Aizawa came to check on him.

Aizawa:No sign of her, yiu sure you saw her?

Ethan:Mr Aizawa, I saw her with my own fricking eyes!

Mina:Calm down Ethan, here have some tea. It'll relax you.

Ethan drank his tea, and it calmed his nerves.

Ethan:Thanks, Ashido.

Mina:Any time, let's get to class.

Everyone else left for class A, but Aizawa stayed behind.

Aizawa:Kazeshiro, yiu positive you saw her?

Ethan:Mr Aizawa, I promise I saw her, or it was my head... playing tricks on me.

The class arrived at the field with Houseki wearing her new hero costume.

Her costume was a light blue jacket, silver gloves, and a red mask.

Everyone except Bakugo and Todoroki were liking her suit.

Mayubi:Thanks, It's based on a design before... Shigaraki got me.

Then Class B appeared, and Monoma immediately started ranting.

Monoma:Well, it seems Class A isn't so popular. Look at our poll, I mean, it's not that you even stood a chance, considering your class is down a member, and a few limbs, right KAZE-

Kendo uses giant fist to bonk Monoma on the head.

Kendo:You know that's a sensitive topic for him!

Shino appeared as well, and they drew numbers.

With Mineta at another school and Sato being accepted into a cooking program (my reason for why he's not in this), the teams were hard to put down.

With Houseki and Ethan here, it felt kinda weird,so I have an idea- NEE CHARACTER!!

Aizawa:We have another student joining us, right?

Vlad:Right, of course, everyone,  say hello to Myuka Sarutari. She'll be joining Class B through recommendations.

Myuka:I'm glad to be here, Mr King.

Myuka drew a number, and it was 4, so she's joining Bakugo's team.

The matches go the same as in canon with A winning once, B wins 1, and no teams wins shi-

In battle 4, Myuk explained her quirk Bakugo and the others.

Myuka:My quirk is soundwave, I can use them to launch myself or detect my enemies.

Sero:Hey, like Jiro, her earphones Jacks can detect people.

Myuka:Oh, but there's a problem. If I use it too much, it gives me a hell of a  migraine.

The battle goes about the same, only the exception of Sato not being present, meaning Bakugo is freed when Myuka uses her quirk to blast him forward.

The battle ends with Bakugo's team winning.

As the last few teams begin emter, Ethan looks at his classmates, but he sees Plasmia's ghost floating.

Ethan: (she's not there, she's not there..)

Monoma notices this and comes up with a plan.

Kendo:I don't like that look...

The battle starts with Ethan and Mayubi armouring up.

Ethan decided it'd be best to stick in groups of 2, while Midoriya scouts ahead since he's the fastest.

Mina and Ethan run towards the other team with Ethan absorbed A combination of Steel and Diamond, or as I like to call it, Sparkly Metal.

Ethan blows attacks, but he hears a whoosh.

Ethan is looked around frantically.

Ethan hears it coming closely towards him. He turns around cautiously, and Monoma utilising  Plasmia's quirk flies past him.

Wait, he can't use her quirk. Something's up.

Ethan is panicking.

Mina noticed Ethan and ran towards him.

Mina put Ethan's face in front of hers and tried to snap

Mina:Ethan, talk to me!

Ethan was unresponsive. He was panicking to the point, his arm shaking, until the magnets shook it off

Mina decided to put Ethan somewhere safe, but Monoma grabbed him and put him in jail.

Ethan was on the ground, panting.

Aizawa:Kazeshiro didn't fight back, I didn't see who got him.

Kendo:Tetsutetsu, you don't think...

Kendo gasped.

The battle goes the same as in canon with 1A winning and Deku obtaining Black Whip.

Aizawa spoke with Ethan about how horribly he did.

Aizawa:You're better than this. What happened out there?

Ethan:Monoma, he copied a quirk without touching!

Aizawa looked at Monoma and then back to Ethan.

Aizawa:Who's quirk?

Ethan:Who has a quirk who let's them fly and be invisible.

From a far, Ecta Plasmia, now sporting a more devilish attire, looked at Ethan from a far.

Ecta:Get ready Ethan, your nightmare is about to become, reality..

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