Calm before the storm

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A few weeks after the festival, Ethan and Houseki had been training under Aizawa's supervision, as Ethan was trying to get a better understanding of his arm and leg's new upgrades.

Ethan:I appreciate you - gah, helping me out!

Houseki kicked Ethan in the cr*tch and into a boulder.

Aizawa:Oooh, that's gotta hurt, Kazeshiro. It's getting late. We should head back.

Ethan:These are gonna take some getting used to. Let's call it a day.

Houseki de-materialised and helped him up.

Houseki:Sorry bout the nether regions

Ethan:It's fine, I'll just get in the bath when we get back.

Back at the dorms, Ethan went into the bathroom and put his arm and leg on a nearby bath.

After a few minutes,  he noticed his leg and arm gone.

Ethan was panicking a bit. He didn't have his crutshes with him

Ethan:Oh boy.

Ethan noticed Midoriya.

Ethan:Izuku, did you move my limbs?

Izuku:Uh no, I didn't. Why?

Ethan:I was gonna get out, but I can't.

Izuku:Why not?

Ethan:I'll fall, and I don't want to hop to my room!

Izuku:Ok, hold on.

Izuku helped Ethan out and closed the door to protect his dignity.

Ethan leaned against the wall and dried himself, then put a towel around him

Ethan:This is gonna be tricky.

Izuku helped Ethan to his room and got the door open.

Ethan laid on his bed as he felt something clang.

His arm and leg were on his bed

Ethan:The F*ck the get in here?

Ethan put his prosthetics back on and got dressed.

Ethan walked downstairs.

Ethan:Ok , who moved my arm and leg out of the wash room while I was in there.

Bakugo:Wasn't me, I was busy kicking Sh*tyy Hair's a*s at WWE!

Kirishima:Yeah, he's been kicking my butt.


the girls said they didn't.

But Toru spoke.

Toru:I got you good!

Ethan:Wait, you put my arm and leg on my bed!?

Toru nodded.

Ethan:I'd chase you, but you'll just strip and just hide, but I'll forgive it because you did get me

Meanwhile, Houseki was with Hatsume designing her hero suit.

Hatsume:Incredible design, how'd you come up with it?

Houseki:Well, I did some designs before...

Houseki stops for a moment and touches the back of her neck where the chip was

Houseki:*sighs* Before Shigaraki got to me, but I never to do it, but I knew it'd be perfect.

Hatsume:Well, I'm sure it'll be great.

Hatsume gave Houseki a gadget.

Hatsume:I made a spare for Kazeshirio, say a crystal or gem it'll fabricate it.


A peal materialised out of it.

Hoiseki made it back to the dorm and headed up to bed for the next day

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