Why Ecta's behaviour chwnged

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So it's not a chapter but a quick explanation on why Ecta suddenly became a villain.

So through her entire life, she was undutr of who her parents were and she was in an orphanage for many years untill meeting Ethan.

Now, during the time at the orphanage,  she was bullied a lot and was  being called things like *Curella De Villa, Mr Hyde, Vlad Plamius Jr* those names affected her that when someone called her a villain , she passed one of the bullies and accidentally killed her by accident by overwhelming her mind, the kids were terrified of her even the adults, she was alone.

After she met Ethan,  her mental health slowly got better, but during the Sport Festival,  when Shinsou used his quirk to control her, her mental state began to deteriorate again, and when she fought using Bakugo's body , she started to grow more angry.

And when he dooku'd ethan her mental state was destroyed leaving only evil

that's why she turned evil, K BYE

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