Ethan and Winter join forces: unlikely pair

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The exam began and Ethan had his pads on his leg and his arm.

Ethan:Better draw the crowd away, Hammer!

Ethan's arm turned into a hammer which he used to bounce away Fortnite style.

Winter in her hero suit looking like Killer Frost threw some balls into the air and blew them towards Ethan, who got hit once and was almost hit and eliminated until Sero got him back to the ground.

Ethan: Thanks Sero.

A bit of time passed, and Ethan eliminated 2 people and made it through, just as He was headed to the box, he felt his body freeze.

Winter:karma isn't it, now let's eliminate you and get my license.

Winter pressed one of the tags, but as she was about to eliminate Ethan, Todoroki came in and saved him

Shoto That's enough, just because your mom is a pro doesn't mean you should be a d*ck!

Shoto unfroze Ethan and the 2 headed to the box.

Ethan:Thanks Shoto, Winter has it out for me.

Shoto: I agree, however, she should trouble us again.

The next wave began, and Ethan went to save as many people as possible.

Ethan noticed Winter struggling to get civilians to safety as the villains arrived.

Ethan: Hold on!

Ethan lifted the debris and Winter got the civilian she was trying to get,  out to safety.

Winter: thanks not that I needed it!

Ethan:Look we both want to be heroes, but arguing won't help us at all, we have to join forces!

Winter thought for a moment.

Winter: Your right, despite the grudge,  heroes don't fight one another, let's do this!

Ethan and Winter got as many people to the medical quirk users and went to hold off the villains.

The exam finished, and the students waited for their names on the board.

Ethan looked on and... his name was on the board, and he got his licence.

Ethan was ecstatic about this.

Winter: Hey Ethan.

Winter walked over to him and shook his hand.

Winter: Congratulations, you know, you're ok for someone who I froze a while ago.

Ethan: Yeah, that was a really cold part on your part joke.

Winter: Anyway, well, good luck,  Element Commander.

Ethan: Thanks,  wait. What's your hero name?

Winter: Icicle Knight

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