Exams begin

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Eliza and Ethan arrived and entered UA when Ethan noticed Izuku

Ethan: Midoriya!!

Izuku turned around to see Eth and Eliza.

Midoriya: Shiro, your trying out for UA too?

Ethan : Of course I am, but I'm surprised your entering considering your

Izuku waved his hands to keep quiet.

Eliza: Well sure I'll introduce myself, my name is Eliza Plasmitaro.

Izuku: Izuku Midoryia , good luck to the both of you

Ethan: you too Midoriya.

Eliza and Ethan walked off.

Eliza: You alright

Ethan: I'm just worried about him

Eliza: Why?

Ethan: he doesn't have a quirk

                           After the Brefing

Ethan: These are pretty snug, I can definitely sleep in these tonight.

Eliza: I agree , only complaint is my assets are a bit tight in this.

Ethan looked over to Midoriya with a concerned look on his face.

Ethan: Wait here, I'll be back.

Eliza: Huh, oh ok.

Ethan began to walk over to Midoriya when someone with engines in his legs stopped him

Ida: What are you doing?

Ethan: Oh sorry,  I was going over to-

Ethan stopped then realised something.

Ethan: Excuse my asking but are you related to the Hero Ingenium?

Ida: Yes he is my brother.

Ethan: cool, I know we're ment to be enemies,  but next time you see him, can you get him to sign my journal.

Ida took it and responded.

Ida: I shall try, good luck to you and your White haired friend, now if you excuse me I need to sort something out.

Ethan watched him walk off and smiled.

Then the exams started and the combatants entered the stage.

Ethan absorbed the ground and created arm guards for his arms.

Eliza smiled and her eyes glowed Green.

Eliza: try this, HYYYA!! Eliza shouted as she fired green bolts of energy.

Everyone was gaining tons of points when Ethan heard someone scream.

Ethan: Hold on!

Ethan ran to the source of the screaming and saw a girl with Pink hair pinned under a piece of fallen Debris.

Winter: Help, I'm stuck!  the girl said as Ethan ran over to her.

Ethan: can you move?

Winter: What do you think Idiot, OF COURSE I CAN'T MOVE!!

Ethan: Your right, that was dumb, ok I need you to push with me as much as your body can do ok?

Winter: OK, but hurry!

Ethan absorbed the ground untill his covered his whole body.

Ethan: On the count of 3 push ready, 1, 2 , 3!

Ethan and Winter pushed as hard as they could until more began to fall.

???: Red Gauntlet!!

Someone with black hair punched the falling debris out the way untill Winter was free.

Winter: thank you, hurry only 30 seconds left.

Ethan: I forgot to ask, what's your quirk?

Winter smiled and said.

Winter: Blizzard.

Winter said as she blew ice at Ethan freezing him in place.

Winter: See yah

Winter said as she kissed him on the cheek.

The exams were over and Ethan was still frozen untill Ida found him and thawed him out using his quirk.

Eliza saw Ethan shivering and asked for a hot chocolate to give to him.

Ethan drank it and thanked Ida for thawing him out.

Ethan saw Winter and scowled at her.

Winter winked at him with a devious look on her face.

Eliza flew her and Ethan back to the apartment and Rex and Roxy were waiting.

Roxy: Hey how'd it go?

Ethan walked past them and went into room.

Rex: What happened?

Eliza: He was frozen by one of the combatants for the last 30 seconds, and now he thinks he failed.

Roxy went up to his room and banged it.

Roxy: Ethan open the door!

Roxy said with a stern tone in her voice.

Roxy: If you dont opening I'm blowing the door down.

Ethan just laid on his bed and looked at the poster of his parents

Roxy was going to use her quirk but Rex fold her to just leave him be for now.

The next day had arrived and A device came.

Eliza phased her head through the door.

Eliza: Eth, its here.

Ethan in a depressed tone said.

Ethan: give me a minute.

Eliza: put the device in the computer as Ethan sat next to her


Roxy: He seems happy.

Ethan had a small grin on his face.

Ethan: That's All Might for you.

All Might: Plasmitaro you scored a HUMOUNGOUS score of 78 points!!

Eliza cheered then looked at Ethan who had a worried look on his face

Ethan: I'm next, here goes.

All Might: YOUNG KAZESHIRO, You showed Amazing skills with your quirks, but I can tell you that when I see you.

Ethan: Huh?

Ethan was confused, byt then they're was a knock at the door.

Ethan went to the door and opened it

All Might: I AM HERE, standing in your doorway.

A/N note: I know this part isn't Canon, I KNOW DONT ATTACK ME, but I think this would be a good explanation for Ethan's enrolment into UA


All Might: No it's really me.

Ethan was both stunned and confused as to why the Symbol of Peace was at his door.

All Might: My associate was in the contr room watching the exam unfold and he told me you showed incredible skill with your quirk, but that one of the other participants froze you to prevent you from finishing , we disqualified her and decided to add her points to your along with rescue points.

All Might: Ethan and Eliza: WELCOME TO  UA ACADAMY!!

All Might then noticed he was coughing  and quickly dashed off.

Eliza went over to Ethan who was stood still.

Eliza: it's ok, come


All Might in his weakened state saw them and smiled.

All Might: good luck you too

A/N: The trials are next and a new rivalry will form , find out in the trial of placement, Ethan vs??

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