Internship: The construction accident

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After we arrived at the job site , we were introduced to the head foreman.

"Mr Uraraka, ah The Constructors, who is this" Uraraka's dad asked looking at Ethan.

"This is our intern from UA, huh my daughter goes there,  wait are you the kid who almost beat the explosion guy, yah that's right sir, you were good out there, well done, thank you sir" Ethan said as he was given a hard hat to wear.

"Safety first, right, ok Welder we need to Weld the beams together, DynaBeast break down the old building, , Livewire your on electrical, and you, your on heavy lifting,YES SIR" The team said as they went to do their respective tasks.

Ethan absorbed a piece of steel and began to lift the large amounts of stone.

"where do you want this sir, over there, on it. Ethan said as he set the material down.

"Ok, let me do this, are you sure thats pretty heavy, trust me, levitate" Mr Uraraka said as the stone began to float.

"Gravity, impressive,  Anything else you need help , didn't Welder say you were on intern from UA, why don't you ask if your instructors need help, sure this" Ethan said as he heard Screaming.

"CHIEF,The cable broke and sparks are surging everywhere, I need to get up there, the crane is disabled to stop the spread" One of the workers said as Ethan absorbed A piece of steel.

"Get me up there, it's too dangerous, steel is impervious to electricity right,no absorb this,  Rubber, it  can absorb the electricity,  then I can drain the electricity from his body".

Mr Uraraka used his quirk to levitate Ethsn but a wire was about to shock him so Welder pushed I'm out the way.

"Ethan your running on borrowed time, That Rubber is noylt solid enough, you might fall, I got this (I hope)"

Ethan reached the worker and touched him to absorb the electricity from him.

"Prepare crash pad, Go quickly" Mr Uraraka said as everyone prepared A landing pad.

"Jump" Ethan jumped and landed on the pad, and Live wire absorbed the electricity from him.and fired it upwards"

Mha: The rise of Element Soldier and Phantom WitchTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon