Element vs Explosion

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Ethan was busy putting  some new clothes on when Ethan noticed his arm was looking weird, so he went to see Mei.

Mei:Well, your arm does look. Were you involved with anything lately?

Ethan:Yeah, the festival, why?

Mei:Well..., your arm wasn't designed to absorb gem properties,  so it's damaging your arm...

Ethan:What, but I absorbed Crystal yesterday, and I was fine.

Mei:I'm sorry, but you can't absorb gems , it could damage your arm and leg.

Ethan walked back to 1A, looking at his arm.

Ethan:How could I not be able to absorb gems but other materials I'm fine with?

Ethan arrived back and saw Eri.

Ethan:Hey Eri, how's it going?

Eri gave Ethan a hug and said she liked it when he and Gem floated.

Ethan:Uh, thanks.

Bakugo walked in and looked at Ethan

Bakugo: (Grh CYBORg, I I haven't forgotten you interrupting me and Deku's fight)

Ethan noticed Bakugo.

Ethan:What do you want?

Bakugo walked off.

Bakugo: (But the fight at the festival was more humiliating because I didn't get to fight you by myself)

Bakugo: (But tonight,  that changes...)

Bakuho was feeling desperate. He never got to fight Ethan due to Ecta's possession,  so he felt that by beating him, he'd have the closure knowing have beaten Ethan.

After the Endeavour fight (which I'm skipping as I'm not a big fan of Hot Head bad dad), Ethan was asleep when Bakugo splashed water on his head.

Ethan: Gah, pfft, what the f**k dude?!

Bakugo:Get up CYBORg.

Ethan:Can I at least get dressed?

Bakugo looked at Ethan and realised he was-


Ethan got dressed, and he followed Bakugo out of UA into a nearby forest.

Ethwn:Katsuki, what are we doing here?

Bakugo threw Ethan a Shard of Diamond at Ethan.

Bakugo:Don't think I forgot you interrupted me and Deku's fight a few weeks ago.

Ethan: (oh yeah, I stopped the fight before it got out of hand) that was for you -


Ethan stopped

Bakugo:Not only that,  your Ghostly girlfriend possessed me, so there for, I never got to fight you on my own.

Bakugo:There for,  you owe me a real match, Cyborg,  right here right now, if you wanna get burned, I recommend you absorb the gem. For armour, you'll need it

Ethan looked at the diamond and put it in his pocket, and absorbed his arm.

Ethan:I don't need a gem to defeat you, Bakugo.

Bakugo propelled himself towards Ethan, who blocked it.


Bakugo used his AP Shot to blast Ethan, who blocked it with a shield he constructed.


Bakugo grabbed Ethan's arn and did what he did to Deku during season 1.

Bakugo:Start FIGHTING!!

Bakugo punched ethan with enough force to break his armour.

Ethan noticed his arm were damaged.

Ethan:You'll regret that, GRAHHH

Ethan kicked Bakugo in the face, making Bakugo's nose bleed.

Bakugo:Bout damn time, Mineral Moron,  NOW SHOW WHAT YOU CAN REALLY DO !!!

Ethan absorbed the diamond shard and created a diamond blade.

Bakugo and Ethan both rushed each other, and their attacks collided.

Ethan could hear something.

Ethan:What's that..?

Ethan could see the ground below them crumbling.


The ground beneath Ethan began to crumble.

Ethab:Bakugo, I can't hold on!!

Bakugo was about to go back to UA, but he knew that he'd be a coward if Etfan had died.

Ethan lost his grip and was falling, but Bakugo saved him.

Bakugo got Ethan back up to the ground.

Ethan dematerialised.

Ethan:Thanks... Katsuki

Bakugo:Don't sweat it..., you know, for one of Deku's friends, you're not a bad fighter..., cy- Ethan.

Ethan:Hey, you said my name.

Bakugo looked away.

Bakugo:Don't get any ideas ok, I only saved you because a hero helps everyone, even rivals!!

Ethan: Well, thank you, we should get back before Aizawa kills us both.

Bakugo:For once, I agree with you.

Ethan:By the way, I thought of a new hero name for you.


Ethan:Yeah, but the name didn't quite match your personality, but this one might.

Ethan: Explosive Hero: Dynamight!

Bakugo noticed the time, and they headed back.

Bakugo:  (Explosive Hero: Dynamight, hmm, not bad)

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