Sport Festival : Bakugo vs Ethan

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After we ate , Midnight showed who the 1st match ups were, and I was up against Iida in the 1st round.

After The 1st few matches , where Midoriya and Bakugo passed a well as a few other from our class, apart from poor Ochaco, it was time for me and ziida to fight.

"Just know this Iida, I don't plan of holding back, good neither will i, May the best man win" Iida and Ethan said as Iida went straight for Ethan.

"A stone fist will do, good luck trying to hit me with it, we'll see" Ethan said as Iida went for a kick.

"Iida's engines are metal, so, so Kazeshiro is gonna try and absorb them, oh ok but won't that hurt?" Ochaco said.

Iida kept trying to kick Ethan but Ethan managed to dodge them all and then when Iida was close, Ethan used his quirk to break off one of Iida's engines.

But Iida wasn't hurt, because his engine grew back.

"What, wasn't expecting that were you, no , but you didn't know this, what, I let you get close, why, so I could do this" Ethan absorbed Iida's engine material and punched the ground sending a shockwave at Iida wining Ethan the match.

"Sorry about that, we fought the best we could, sorry about your Engine, here, keep it, ok that's weird since it's a part of you but I appreciate it , I wish you luck in the finals, thank you Iida" Ethan said as the 2 shook hands.

After the few matches were done, The final match ups were decided, with Me vs Kirishima, Midoriya vs Todoroki, Tokoyami vs Shiozaki and Ashido vs Bakugo

Me and Kirishima looked at each other and smiled.

"Good Luck, you too" Kiroshina said as the 1st match between Ashido and Bakugo started and ended in about 10 seconds I feel bad for her, I just hope her jacket was- I Mean wasn't blasted off ya. (he likes her, if you couldn't tell)

After that It was Tokoyami and Shiozaki , Tokoyami came out as winner, then it was Me and Kirishima next.

"I don't plan on holding back this time, good neither will I" Ethan said as Ethan absorbed the ground and and they both ran and their punches collided knocking them both back, but Ethan got up and just stood there.

"Huh, whats he doing, I don't know, let's watch and see" Izuku said as Bakugo watched.

Kirishima hardened again and ran for Ethan, but Ethan expected that, so he grabbed Kirishima's arm and through off of the field.

"Ethan Kazeshiro wins, that's the move I used on Kachan in the battle trials" Izuku said.

Then it was Todoroki vs Midoriya

Ethan and the others watched.

"That was awesome, but Deku broke both his arms, Recovery Girl can fix him up in no time"
Ethan said as the final match ups were revealed.

"Me and Bakugo!" Ethan said surprised, then he looked at Bakugo.

After Todoroki defeated Tokoyami, it was time for me and Bakugo to fight.

Bakugo immediately blasted towards me.

"He's trying to prevent me from absorbing, just like with Ochaco, what to do, think Ethan think" Ethan thought as he kept trying to dodge Bakugo's explosions.

"wait, Iida's engine pipe, he's trying to absorb ,DONT YPU DARE" Bakugo shouted as he suddenly stopped moving.

"Bakugo, Kacchan, DIE PEST" Bakugo yelled as he grabbed Ethan by the neck and blasted into the air.

"What are you doing, Ending the problem, Eliza" Ethan realised so he kicked Bakugo to lossen his grip so he could avoid serious damage and quickly absorbed the material from Iida's engine to cushion the impact.

"Thank you Iida, Peekaboo, AHHH" Ethan exclaimed as he was thrown off of the field with burn marks on his neck.

"Young Bakugo, what was up with him, huh, what happened?" Bakugo said confused about what happened.

"Bakugo advances to the finals, huh oh yah I did." Bakugo said as Ethan was taken to Recovery Girl to heal his burns.

Bakugo was on his way to the rec room when All Might stopped him.

"Young Bakugo , what was wrong with you, what do you mean,  you could've killed Ethan, I wasn't trying to , what do you mean, earlier on while  Kazeshiro and Engine were fighting , Mishitaro came up to me and knocked me out and then my body felt cold, cold, hmm" All Might said curiously.

The final battle with Bakugo and Todoroki began and Bakugo started to feel woozy which Gave Todoroki a opening to claim victory.

"Todoroki is the winner, no way, Kacchan lost, what I miss, Ethan, how's your neck, Bakugo caused me to get some burns on my neck but Recovery Girl handled it" Ethan said .

Eliza showed up and sat with Ethan.

"You ok, yah sorry about earlier, its fine but, Young Mishitaro,  may I speak with you, oh uh sure All Might" Eliza said as she went to talk with him.

"Why did you interfere with Young Kazeshiro and Bakugo's fight, whst do you mean, Bakugo told me you possessed him, I don't know whst your talking about,  last thing I remember is forfeiting the my place in the finals, hmm, we'll talk later, ok" Eliza said as All Might watched.

"Her quirk is familiar to me, like I've seen it before" All Might said as he touched his chin then realised he had to do the medal ceremony.

We received our medals,  I thought Bakugo would be mad he didn't get 1st place but he was none responsive the entire ceremony.

We were given a few days off to recover from the festival which I used to get some practice in.

"What did he mean by I possessed Bakugo, it makes no sense, unless" Eliza realised something.

"Shinsou, he used his quirk, to brainwash you, he must've told me to sabotage your and Bakugo's fight, I'll tell All Might when we go back

Prepare for Lore on Eliza and a new skill for Ethan in THE INTERSHIP ARC

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