All Might Lives

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After Ethan was rushed to the hospital,  He was put in a room to rest.

Bakugo was going to walk in, but Kirishima stopped him.

Kirishima:Back away from the door.

Bakugo let go of the door.

Kirishima:This is your fault!

Bakugo:ME, WHAT'D I DO!!


Kirishima was about to punch him but Todoroki stopped him.

Todoroki:Enough, I swear you quarrel like a couple

All Might in his muscle form walked past his students into Ethan's room.

All Might went back to his normal state.

Ethan:All Might, what're you doing here?

All Might said nothing but hugged him.

All Might:I'm so sorry, if I were there, this wouldn't have happened!!

Ethan:All Might it's OK, you were the Villain's target.

All Might:I know but if only I had more time, I could've done something, and I knew Plasmitaro's quirk looked familiar to me.

Ethan:you've seen her quirk before?

All Might: Her parents are the Ghost villains Ectoknight and Spectre spirit, Your parents put them in prison but it seems they've escaped and sworn revenge on your parents.

Ethan:Ecta during the camp almost blasted me with her quirk, that explains it.

All Might:She was trying to kill you, but she didn't.

Kirishima:All Might are you done in there, we need to see Ethan.

All Might went back into his muscle form and left Ethan's room, but not before placing a note on his bedside.

All Might went to meet with Endeavour and the others to raid the villains.

Kirishima: How are you doing bud?

Ethan:What does it look like, I'm missing a leg AND AN ARM, AND I'VE BEEN BETRAYED BY MY FRIEND, WHO LET INTO MY HOME, so look at me Eijiro, Do I look OK!?

Kirishima looked at Bakugo WHO he slams against the wall.




Ethan tries to absorb The wall but it causes him pain.

Doctor:Excuse me, I'd like to speak to my Kazeshiro in private.

Kirishima leaves with the others behind him.

Doctor:Mr. Kazeshiro,  your cells were destroyed when you lost your arm and leg.

Ethan:Will I be able to use my quirk still?

Doctor:That's another thing, your quirk requires your whole body to activate,  however, your body can't handle the absorption at this rate, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't use your quirk again.

Ethan: you're saying, I can't be a hero?

Doctor: *sighs* I'm afraid not sir, I'll leave you be for the night.

Ethan looked at his hand, and began to cry, Momo heard his conversation and thought for a moment.

Ethan was still crying when he heard scratches on the door, it was Luna with Yaoyarozu.

Ethan:Hey girl, what're you doing here?

Momo: I brought her.

Ethan:Hey Momo...

Momo:I know it's tough, but I have an idea.

Ethan:What is it?...

Momo tells him her idea, what is it, wait for a while.

Momo turns the tv on which reveals All Might fighting All For One, and All Might winning, and still in his muscle form.

All Might:NOW it is your turn.

All Might's true form was revealed but then he grabbed All For One and made him fix his Mistake.

All Might grabbed All For One's hand and placed it where his injury was, it was healed and his stomach was restored.

Ethan: All Might, you did it...

The next few days passed and Ethan was still in the hospital, Aizawa went to his hospital room along with All Might.

Aizawa:How're you doing kiddo?

Ethan:better than before.

All Might:Young Kazeshiro, we've come to take you somewhere.

Ethan:Where- Woah!

All Might picked Ethan up and put him in a wheelchair.

After a while,  they arrived at UA and everyone was there.

Ethan: Woah.

Aizawa:This is where you will be staying during your time at UA.

Ethan:But, without my arm and leg, The doctor said I can't be a hero.

All Might:Did he say that Yaoyarozu, you have what you made?

Yaoyarozu:Yep, your official limbs aren't ready yet, but these should do for now.

Yaoyarozu gave Ethan a plastic leg and Arm.

Ethan put them on, and he was able to stand a bit.

Ethan:So,  what do we do now?

Aizawa:I'll explain tomorrow,  for now, get to know your new home.

The next night, Ethan was just watching TV on his phone probably,  Dragon Ball Super,  or that new series Boku no hero, wait a minute?

He saw the letter All Might gave him and read it.

"Young Kazeshiro, Meet me at the beach after you've settled into your dorm room, Aizawa has been notified, so no need to worry, All Might"

Ethan headed to the beach where All Might was.

All Might: Ah Young Kazeshiro,  your here.

Ethan:I am, you wanted to see me?

All Might:that I did, your hero suit might need to be adjusted to match your new, predicament.

Ethan:oh yeah, I guess it does.

All Might: Hatsume and The Company that made your original suit, made you a new one, you can collect it tomorrow when you start classes.

Ethan:Thank you All Might.

All Might:anytime, Ethan.

All Might and Ethan looked at the sea.

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