Internship: The Constructors

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After we returned to UA , Eliza told All Might about Shinsou but since he's a teacher on the hero course , he was unable to act against shinsou but he did tell Nezu.

"As you are aware , lots of pros saw your skills but to be true heroes you need hero names" Aizawa said as Midnight entered.

"Everyone,  start choosing your names" Midnight said.

We began choosing your hero names, but I was struggling to come up with a name.

"Think, what is a good name,Mabye, no that's bad" Ethan said thinking of a name , then a idea snapped in his brain.

"OK everyone, it's to tell us your hero names" Midnight said.

"My hero name is : Ghostly Hero: Spectre Witch, Spooky name, Kazeshiro your up next" Midnight said as I went up.

" I'm honouring my parents memory,  and my hero name is The Elemental Hero: Element Soldier, a good name for a future hero, your father would be proud" Midnight said as I walked back to my desk.

Midnight left and Aizawa handed the results of agencies recommended to us.

"The Constructors, I think dad mentioned them before" Ethan thought as Aizawa said we had a week to decide.

A week later

Afterba week, we made our decisions, except Eliza, she surprisingly got no recommendations from Hero agencies.

Aizawa was confused by this but he had to take everyone to the train station so they could go to their internships.

"You sure your gonna be ok, yah I should be fine, ill keep an eye on her, thank you Sir" Ethan said as he got on his train.

I arrived at the agency, which happened to be a construction site.

"Boss , Boy here, Uh hi I'm looking for the Welder?" Ethan said as a bit of wire began to snap and the beam above it began to fall towards a girl.

Ethan pushed her out the way and absorbed a nearby steel pipe and caught the beam.

"You saved me, oh god, I shouldn't have done that,no it's fine,Wade it's him, Boom get me down there" The builder said as he and one other went down.

"Are you the welder, No need to call me welder, I knew your dad, you did, yah and please Call me Wade" Wade said as Ethan put his suitcase and case down.

"This is Livewire and Dyna Beast, Nice to meet you both, thanks for saving me, DynaBeast happy to meet new friend" He said as he lifted Ethan up and started hugging him tightly

"Th,thanks big guy, Dave let the boy breathe, Sorry" Dyna Beast said as he let go of Ethan.

"I'll take his bags up, no I do it, sure thing bud" Livewire said as Dyna Beast picked up Ethans gear and accidentally blew up the  case containing Ethan's hero suit causing it to burn.

"My Hero Suit, Sorry , I should take these up, ok..." Dave said as Livewire took Ethan's luggage up.

"So from what I saw from the sport Festival,  your more in line with your armor capabilities, but you barely used your creation side, why he no use it, its because I'm not used to it, I used it only once  and that was to take out a brick" Ethan said.

Livewire took his suitcase up.

"Ok, try and create a hammer, ok, where's the material, here, Wood?, just try it" Weld said as Ethan absorbed the wood and tried to make a hammer but then he got a call.

"Welder, of course sir, Well Ethan I can train you on the job, Liz come on, coming" Livewire said as she appeared through the plug socket.

"your quirk reminds me of one of my classmates, really does he have a lightning bolt in his hair, yah how'd you know that,he's my son" Live wire said giving Ethan a picture of her and a young Kaminari.

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