Chapter 6

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Few days goes by, Bright and Win began to be closer than before. Forgetting they are academic enemies, well...let's just say they sometimes fought when it comes to academics.

Anyways, Win and Bright are on a 'friendly' date today and they are on a fancy resturant owned by Win's father.

"The food taste good here." Bright complimented as he ate a spoonful of rice and meat. Win chuckles.

"It is, i always come here when i was still in highschool." Win shared.

"Oh really? well tell your father that his resturant is amazing as heck. If i have time i will come here." Bright laughed.

"Sure thing but don't worry, you'll eat here for free soon." Win suddenly blurted out making Bright look at him with confusion on his face.

"What do you mean by that?" he asks, Win shook his head and motion Bright to continue eating his food.

Win watch his eat his food while smilling like a fool.

He watched how Bright's perfect shaped lips contacted with the spoon, how he smile after chewing his food and how his doe eyes looks at him.


After they ate, Bright offered to pay the bill yet Win refused and payed it with his own money.

Bright sulked when Win payed the bills instead of him.

"Why are you sulking? just beacuse i payed the bill?" Win laughed when he saw how Bright glared at him and how his cute lips pout.

"No, i'm not." Bright said shortly as he turn his back at Win and continue walking, Win sighed and chased the male and apologized.

"Oh c'mon Bright, it's just a bill, why are you making a big deal out of it?" Win asked.
Bright stopped his tracks and looks at Win.

"I-I just don't wanna be burden you, i can afford to pay the bills." Win chuckle how cute Bright is, how his pouting lips jutted out and how his fiddle his long slender fingers while looking down.

Win noticed a drop of tear fall into the ground, his eyes widened and gently pulled Bright into his arms. He wrapped his arms into Bright's waist and caressed his back.

He whispered words into Bright's ear to comfort him while Bright silently sobbed in his chest.

He's sensitive, too fragile to be hurt. He thought.

"Stop crying na, i'll let you pay the bills next time." Win felt Bright nod his head gently, the next few minutes he hear a snoring sound comming from Bright.

He chuckled and pulled away from the hug, he saw how Bright fell asleep in his arms after crying.

When you think of it, it's just funny how Bright cried over the bill.

Win brushrd away the bang in Bright's face to see the beauty in his arms, he gently picked up the male in his arms and carry him.

It's suprising that he isn't heavy at all making it easy for Win to carry him.

Bright snuggle into Win's neck, breathing into his manly smell.

While walking Win looked into nowhere as he thought.

Are we really friends Bright?


He dropped Bright off in his apartment and leave once he saw Bright laying in his bed.

Win waved goodbye to Film before heading out, he quickly drove into his father's mansion.

Once he arrived he was greeted by his father who was sitting on the couch with his business partner, Win respectfully bow down and greeted his father a good evening.

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