Chapter 22

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"Hello Mary, it nice to see you here..i thought you were in school?" Bright asks as he looks at the young maid infront of him who startes cleaning the table with a cloth.

"Hi Phi! appearently, i have no school today so i guess i could clean the kitchen." Mary smiles. Bright leans to pinch her cheeks making her froze at his actions making Bright chuckle at her cuteness.

"You're so cute, i like you as my sister already." Mary smiles widely as Bright continues to mix the ingredients on the bowl.

"Uhh Mary, can you please hand me the melted butter on the stove and some white sugar please?" Bright called with out looking at her, Mary hurriedly followed his command and place the melted butter and white sugar on the table.

"Thank you very much."

"Phi..what are you baking?" she asks.

"Oh..i'm baking Win's favorite cake, a basic chocolate cake but i'm adding caramel to make him try something new." he smiles as he focused on making the ingredients.

"Really? wow that must be yummy!" she smiles.

"Mhm, i'm not sure yet. I'll let you have a slice later." Mary smiles and thanked him before walking away to continue her job.

"Young master Bright." a voice called Bright from behind making him stop from his actions and looked behind him. There the senior maid standing infront of him while looking at him baking a cake.

"You can let us bake the cake if you want..we don't want to cause you any injuries because of baking.." dhe says worriedly making Bright giggle and shakes his head as a no.

"Oh my, don't worry about me. I can do this by myself with out causing any injuries." he assures her but the maid was still hesistant. Bright was busy mixing the ingredients together while listening to some music when he heared the huge main door opened.

"Sweets? i'm home." Win's voice echoed through the halls and Bright smiles.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Bright yelled and he can hear footsteps coming closer and closer. He was then greeted by Win's smile.

"What are you making?" he asked as he place his phone and car keys on the counter.

"Your favorite, chocolate cake and some cupcakes for the elderly maids." he smiles, Bright turn his back and opened the oven but he was stopped when Win spoke.

"Stop, let me do that instead." Bright gave him the gloves as he opened the oven and took the freshly baked chocolate cake.

" smells good." Bright pecked his cheek.

"Do you want to help me decorate it?" Win nod his head as he walk away to wash his hands.

Bright was done preparing the frostings and  Win he helped to cut the fruits. Bright spread the chocolate frosting and Win hugged him from behind as he watched his boyfriend decorating the cake.

"I want you to be the first one to taste it, please tell me how it tastes like." Win nods his head and smooch Bright's cheek and sniffed his neck, inhaling the vanilla strawberry scent of his boyfriend.

"Okay, sweetheart."


Bright was inside the garden, he was drinking a hot cup of milk while taking bites of the chocolate cake he made earlier. He is currently alone since Win took a shower.

"Phi Bright!" a feminine voiced was heared, Bright stopped reading the book on his hands and turn to look at the entrance of the garden. He smiled when he saw Mary carrying empty trays of the cupcakes.

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