Chapter 11

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"Bright Vachirawit Chivaree, please come in the principal's office now."  a voice was geared in the hallway and some students stopped walking to listen to it.

"Great." Bright sighed in annoyance as he took off his glasses and fix his things as he went to the principal's office.

A voice welcomed him inside, he closed the door and a frown decorate his face when he saw who was in his uncle's office.

"Father..what are you doing here?" Bright frowned as he looked at his father who was sitting next to his uncle.

"Can't i see my own son?" his father said as he stood up from the couch and walked forward to Bright.

"State your matter or i'll leave." he said in a stern voice making his father rolled his eyes.


"I need your help." Bright frowned.

"What is it?"  His father walked forward and circled around him making him annoyed.

"I're friends with the son of the Opas-iamkajorn's?" his father's lips curved into a sly smirk.

"I am not." he shortly answered.

"Liar. I know you are friends with that guy. So, i want you to convince him to tell his father to continue the contract in our partner ship." his father stated.

"Why would i? i am out of your business life, don't drag me into your crazy plans." Bright clench his fist.

"Do it or else." his father glared at him.

"I won't." Bright shot him a glare.

"Bright, do it your father needs it for his company. You know to expand it." his uncle entered the conversation.

"I will never do it. I am out of your business life and find some other people to have partnerships with okay? because i don't wanna get drag into your crazy plans and receive the blame on it." Bright almost raised his voice.

"Do it Bright! don't make this hard for us.", his father pointed his finger at him which causes Bright to glare at him.

"Make me." he can feel his eye twitch as he walked out of the office and slammed the door.


"What are you eating?" Win asked as he sat down beside who was eating silently. Bright just nod his head and continue to eat.

" something wrong?" Win asked as he looked at Bright with concern.

"Mhm, nothing don't worry." Bright said not looking at him.

"I know something is wrong, can you tell me?"

"I said nothing! will you shut up?" Bright snapped as he glared at Win, who only looks at him with unreadable expression.

"I..i have to go." Bright was about to stood up when Win's hand stopped him from doing so. Win interwined their hands and hold it as he look at Bright.

"Bright, sweets, tell me the problem and let's solve this. No need to push me away okay?" Bright looks at him with teary eyes and pouty lips.

"It's's about my father." Bright looked down. Win hummed and let him continue.

"He wants me to convince you to tell your father to continue to contract with their partnership that your father didn't signed."
Bright looks down in shame.

"And what else?" Win calmly asks.

"He wants me to do it or else he'll do something bad to me.." Win frowned and tilted his head.

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