Chapter 16

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Tommorow came by and Bright was writing notes and his classmates are asking for some.

Bright was teaching some of his classmates who are having a hard time understanding the subject and also giving some of his classmates his answers and opinions about their answers.

"Bright is this correct?" his classmate showed him his paper, Bright scanned it and nods his head.

"Mhm yes..just fix some of your grammars please." his classmate thanked him before walking away.

Bright highlighted his paper as he fix his glasses, Bright was busy reading when someone suddenly slammed his table making him glare at the person.

"What the fuck do you want?" Bright asked with a smile on his face.

"Oh isn't this the Vachirawit Chivaree that everyone loves?" the person said mockingly making Bright almost roll his eyes.

"Yes? so?" he sassed back, the woman gritted her teeth by his answer.

"Do you even know who the fuck you're talking to?" she grab his chin and grip on it tightly making Bright hiss.

"Fucking no and leave me alone." he pushes her hand away. She suddenly grab his hair and made Bright look at her.

Some students started whispering and some are ready to defend Bright but is just to afraid of the student infront of them.

"You crazy bitch! let go of me right now!" Bright shouted and only groan in pain when she gripped on it tighter.

"Fucking Let go of him or else you won't see the sunrise again!" a voice echoed in the room turning the student's attention to that person.

Win glares at the girl as he angerly grab her wrist and yanked it away from Bright. She groans in pain.

"How dare you touch me!" she yells.

"How dare you hurt him!? do you even know the consequences of your actions?" he looks at her with a sharp glare.

"Do you think i am afraid of that?" she smirks.

"Hey you! do you have a video right now?" Win called one of the student who almost shit his pants and just nod his head.

"Make sure to send it to me so i can report this bitch to the principal's office." The student nodded his head and hurriedly sent the video to Win. Win grab her wrist again and grip into it.

"Who the hell do you think you are hurting a student from the high class? are you that jealous of seeing someone being sucessful unlike your lame ass?" Win spat and the student tried to yank her hand away from Win's grip but the other only gripped it tighter making her whimper in pain.

"I'll fucking make sure you regret what you've done and i'll make sure you won't be stepping inside of this school this week. You dare to hurt my boyfriend." Win yanked her wrist away.

The students were shock at the last statement of Win of being Bright's boyfriend, the female student glares at Bright and walks away angerly. Some students boo at her and pushed her out of the room, once she got of the classroom the students looks at her with disgust and some student throw her books and their food in her way and shouting at her to get out of the school for bullying Bright.

"Get out of here whore!"

"How dare you bully p'Bright!"

"Your filthy hands should be cut off!"


Win turn his attention to Bright who was now rubbing his head probably hurting from the yank of his hair.

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