Chapter 17

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Bright was sleeping in Win's embrace as the older carry him in a piggy style. Win was smiling like a mad man and acting like he won the lottery.

"Bright.." he slowly woke up the the male in his back and Bright only replied with a hum.

"Do you wanna sleep at my house tonight or do you want me to bring you back to your apartment?" Win asked.

"I wanna sleep at your place, please." Bright answered.

"Okay, i'll put you down now and let's go." Bright nods his head as Win put him down on his feet as they enter Win's car.

They arrived at the big mansion and the automatic gate opened, the guards lets them get inside when they recognized the car.

Win carried the sleeping Bright in his arms as he enter the mansion, he was immediately greeted by his parents who are busy talking in the living room.

"Oh Son!" his mother called but Win shush her and pointed at the sleeping Bright making her nod her head.

"I'll talk to you tommorow mom, i will take a rest." Win leans to peck her check and went upstairs at his room.

Win lay the sleeping Bright in the bed and took off his shoes and socks.  He shakes the sleepy male in the bed.

"Bright, may i take these off?" Win pointed at Bright's pants and shirt. Bright only got to nod his head and let the latter take off his pants and shirt only leaving him in his boxer.

Win covers him with the duvet and went to his walk in closet to grab some comfortable clothes for the male. He helped Bright put on the clothes and lay him in the bed again as he went to take a quick bath and changed his clothes as he lay beside Bright and pull him into his arms.

Win closed his eyes and bury his face into Bright's neck with a smile on his face.


Bright was the one to wake up first and he can feel big and strong arms holding him from behind and he just realized that Win was small spooning him.

Bright blushed as he remembered how Win strip his clothes leaving him on his boxers and change him into comfortable clothes.

Bright shake off those thoughts and look at the sleeping figure infront of him. He smiled as his hand unconsiously went to caress Win's cheek.

" soft." Bright mumbled.

"You know, it's bad staring at someone who's peacefully sleeping." Win's hoarse morning voice made Bright flinch and retreated his hand away from Win's face, making the male chuckle at his cute behavior and leans to peck Bright's nose.

"Goodmorning, sweets. Are you hungry?" he asked. Bright shakes his head.

"Do you wanna get freshen up first?" Win pulls Bright closer to him, Bright could only nod his head.

"Mhm..let's brush our teeth." Win sat up and stretch his arms resulting to flexing his muscles.

Bright pouted as he look at his biceps that was slim and doesn't have much muscles on it. Win notice him and cooe at Bright's stare at his body.

"Win, i wanna have some muscles too." he pouted as he looks at Win with wide eyes, staring at Win's body with jealousy because Win's body was more toned and muscled type rather than his that was slim and more lean.

"Why? your body already looks beautiful." Win raised a brow and Bright whined and crawls into Win's lap and sat on it as he look at the other with frowning face and pout displayed on his lips.

"No! i wanna have muscles too." He crossed his arms at his chest making Win chuckle at his cute reaction.

"Win!!" Bright whined and leans to hug the older in his arms which his arms didn't lock properly on Win's body.

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