Chapter 24

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Bright was studying in the couch as the maid approach him with a tray of snacks and drinks. Bright helped her to bring it into the table and thanked her. The maid blushed and bowed before walking away.

Bright fixed his glasses and continued to read the papers infront of him since his exams are near and he needs to study so he can pass or get another high score.

"Master Bright, you left your phone in the kitchen.. and someone is calling you." a maid approach him and handed him his phone. Bright thanked her and excused himself to answer the call. He stood up and walk near the door where the pool of Win's mansion can be seen.

"Who's this?" he asked.

"Son. Why didn't you come at my business party yesterday? i told you to come didn't i?" his father asked in a calm tone but there's a hint of anger behind his calm voice.

"Because i don't want to come and it's ny decision and you don't care if i don't wanna come." Bright answered back with a frown now forming on his handsome face.

"Is that so? do you know there will be consequences right?" Bright gripped on his phone tightly before answering.

"Look here oldman, i don't have time for your shits,. Plus i am currently busy for my exams that's why i didn't come yesterday at your useless business party." Bright voice was laced with venom each word that come out of his mouth and his voice rise up each word he said making the maid stop their works to look at him with curiousity.

"I don't wanna hear your excuses Bright. I know you just don't wanna attend beacuse you are so busy spending time with the son of opas-iamkajorn. Mhm..isn't he Win Metawin?" his father replied and laugh was threatening to come out.

"Don't involve him here! he did nothing! i told you the truth already that i am not interested with your shitty business party that's why i didn't come!" Bright shouted and cut off the call as he screamed due to anger and threw his phone across the room making the maid almost drop the stuffs dhe is carrying as the phone hit beside the wall she walk through.

"Fucking bastard!" he yelled and gripped into his hair. A maid notice him and went to grab the telephone near her and called their Master.

"Win Metawin speaking, is there something you want to tell?" Win answered from the other line.

"Hello's me the head maid..and there's something urgent i wanna tell." she spoke in a low voice as he watched Bright gripping into his hair and stood up to grab the vase near him and threw it across the room. Win heared a shattering sound from the otherline and made him frown.

"What's happening? is there something wrong?" he asked.

"Yes Master, Master Bright is having a nervous breakdown right now and he is throwing what he sees and we're afraid he's going to harm himself. Please come here asap." the head maid said and her eyes widened when Bright stepped on the shattered glass pieces of the vase with his bear feet as he started crying. Some maids started approaching him to help but it onky got worse when Bright started throwing things he could reach at them.

"I am coming." Win replied as he looks at the people in his meeting room, their attention was on Win ever since he answered the call.

"We need to stop the meeting due to emergency, we can start again tommorow. Keep up the good work." he dismissed them and hurriedly went to the parkinglot and enter his car as he started the engine. He drove fast and not caring anything since hr is worried as fuck at Bright who was having a nervous breakdown.

"Don't fucking come near me!" Bright shouted and throwed his shattered phone at the maid who dodge the throw. Bright was a crying mess while his feet was bleeding and coloring the white tiles red.

My EnemyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora