Chapter 23

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Afternoon came and Bright wai at his professor before walking out of the classroom. He was greeted by female students who smile and call his name, he just nod his head and walk away.

While he was walking in the hallway, he saw the freshman who challenge him earlier. He decided to approach him.

"Nong Force, what are you doing?" he asked, the freshman turn his attention to Bright and let out a small smile.

"I'm just looking at your achievements phi since i'm a freshman here, besides i want to know the mighty Bright Vachirawit everyone is talking about." Force smirks and Bright nod his head, he looks at the glass case infront of him which displays his awards and medals and also certificates.

"Is that so?" Force nods his head.

"These are just nothing, there's also in fhe second floor." Bright smirks, Force gritted his teeth as he force a smile.

"Really?" Bright hums.

"Yes, there's also some chess awards i got here." Bright pointed at the left side of the glass casses.

"You're such a show off phi." Force lets out a fake smile.

"Is it? I thought you're interested to get to know more about me?" Bright smirks making Force frown. Bright looks at the glass frame casses infront of him but he can see Force fuming in anger.

"So Nong Force, i heared you're a champion on your previous school?" he ask, still not looking at Force.

"Yes i am, i enrolled to this school because i thought i'll be the undefeated champion here." Bright lets out a laugh and Force raised a brow.

"What are you laughing phi?" he asks while he clench his fist.

"Nothing, you should have done some research before entering this school. That doesn't matter Nong." Bright looks at him.

"I can see the way you look at me. You're jealous. I understand you, it's the first time you felt that you're not the only champion here right?" Force slowly nod his head.

"Mhm and i can sense that you're threatend. It doesn't really matter nong, Champion or not at least you did your best." Bright was about to put his hand on Force's shoulder but the male push his hand away and looks at him angerly.

"How can you say that when you are also a champion? you're only saying that so i won't feel bad." Force frowns.

"Why? do you feel bad because of what i said?" Force froze and Bright lets out a small smirk.

"You don't understand, you never understand what it's like to lose when your self always win!" Force clench his fist as he looks at Bright.

"I understand what it feels to lose sometimes Force, just beacuse i always win doesn't mean i didn't lose? you're wrong."

"I know what you feel, i know that you feel pressured." Bright observes his action.

" do you know?" Force gulps.

"I knew it when you lost a friendly match with me. The way your body froze and your mind not accepting that you lost." Bright explained and Force didn't respond.

"Well it's not my fault though, i didn't even knew you that well plus you picked the wrong opponent." Bright shruggered his shoulders.

"Earlier was the first time i lost.." Force said as he looks at Bright.

"I also notice that." Bright lets out a smile.

"All i can say is that being a champion is not easy as it seems right, you knew that also." Force nods his head.

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