Chapter 10

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At the club.

Win was holding Bright's hand as they walked inside, the guards recognized Win's face and immediately let him in.

"We have expected your come sir, please enjoy." the guard said, Win nodded his head as they walked inside and the loud sound of music greeted them.

"It's so loud here." Bright complained as he looked around.

"Nah, this club seem so fun! let's grab a drink!" Film pulled Bright away from Win as they went to a counter and sat there, Win followed them and sat beside Bright.

"The usual." he said to the guy who was serving whiskey. The guy nodded and immediately made him a drink.

"I would like to have a shot of tequila." Film spoke, Bright just kept quite not knowing what to order. Win noticed and called for the guy's attention.

"Serve him a drink that doesn't have much alcohol." he said the guy nodded and prepared their drinks.

"Wow, did your parents really own this bar?" Film ask while looking around. Bright nodded as he drank the liquid on his glass, his nose scrunched up as he tasted the bitter liquid rolling on his tounge.

"It..taste good but bitter." he commented, Win requested for more as he found Bright's reaction cute and funny at the same time.

"Yes, it's a bit famous here for students and we also have VIP know rich people." Film made a 'o' face as fhe drinks arrived.

"Are you sure this won't make me drunk?" Bright as he looked at the alcohol that was served to him.

"No but you will be if you consume too much." Win said as he drank his own.

Bright scrunched his face when he tasted the bitter after taste of the shot he took, Win chuckled when he saw Bright's face and he ordered one again for him to see Bright's scrunching face.

"Cute." he mumbled as he continue sipping on his drink. Film pulled Bright into the dance floor as they both danced while their hand are holding a glass of drink as they both danced in the beat of the music.

Bright danced and stopped for a while as he sipped on his drink, letting the alcohol enter his system as he sway his hips left to right.

"This is fun!" he said to Film who laughed and danced. Win keep looking at them as he stayed in his seat.

"Such a cutie." he shooked his head and let out a smile, he watched Bright dancing, swaying his hips and drinking his beer.

Win was busy keeping his eyes on the duo that he didn't noticed a woman approached him and looks at him in a flirtly way.

"Hey there handsome." she smirks and sat beside him, Win glanced at her and ignored her existance. The girl was annoyed at his action, she grabs Win's glass and drank it instead of Win.

Win glared at her, he was about to speak when he heared a familiar voice beside him.

"Hey! w-what are you doing~" Bright glared at the female with his blurry vision.

"Leave my winnie alone! h-he's mine!" he pouted and snaked his hands on Win's bicep and continue to pout.

The girl was taken back by his words as she looked at them and rolled her eyes as she walked away leaving the two alone.

"Meanie." Bright said in a soft voice.

"S-Stop flirting with her! asshole!" he glared at Win while continue to pout. Win chuckled and rullef his hair.

"I am not flirting with her Bright, she's the one who approached me first." he explained and carress Bright's hair and gave his forehead a peck.

"Mhmp! whatever." he sulked and walked away, he went where Film is and continue to dance with her while Win was left on his chair.

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