Chapter 9 New Job

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Henry pointed at one of the two windows. "Over here is Ballora Gallery." I assume that's where Ballora is.

"Press the blue light." Henry pointed at a control panel with a blue and red button. The blue button had a sun symbol and the red one had a lighting symbol.

I pressed the blue button. Lights shined into the other room next to me. I saw that Ballora was currently deactivated.

"What does the red button do?" I nervously asked.

"It shocks them." My heart dropped. I don't want to do that especially because they were nice to me and if it weren't for them William would have killed me. Not only that they got me to realize that there's still hope for me when I thought there wasn't.

"It doesn't hurt them. If it did then they wouldn't talk to me. Like I said before, they only trust you and me." Henry reassured me. "There's a chance we might not even need the red button. We got you here." Henry laughed.

I have no idea what to say. I feel hotter like I have a fever. "Th- thanks?" I have officially lost my ability to speak. Henry laughed, even more, making me feel even worse.

"Anyways, press the blue button on your right." Henry pinched himself to stop laughing. I feel better now that he's not laughing.

I press the blue button. The lights revealed a sleeping Foxy.

"In front of you is the door. The door will lead you to the control room for Circus Baby." I nodded, still not ready to talk. I opened the door and walked through the skinny hallway.

I opened the door at the end of the hallway. The room was small, and a small control panel, a desk, and four flashing lights at the top. They were red, blue, orange, and green lights. They flashed on and off over and over again. How is anyone supposed to concentrate or do work with the lights flashing on and off?

"Yeah, we're still getting the lights fixed." Henry read my mind.

"This room makes me feel like I'm at a nightclub," I commented while my eyes were adjusting to the flashing lights.

I pressed the blue button. Baby appeared deactivated. I wonder why all of them are deactivated.

"Why would I ever need to shock them?" I'm confused.

"In case they aren't on their stage." Henry sighed. I can tell he doesn't like shocking them.

Henry sighed, "There's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" I asked, crossing my fingers, it isn't about William.

"It's about what William has done. I know you're somewhat aware because Freda admitted to telling you stuff and William attempted to burn you alive."

I gulped and remembered the entire week within a flash. Good thing I never ate anything before I came here or else I'd hurl.

"William was a serial killer as you know. He used to kill innocent children like my daughter." Henry had a tear in his eye.

"If it's too much for you then you don't have to tell me," I reassured Henry in case he feels like he was forced to tell me this or felt like he has to.

"Thanks but you need to know this." Henry whipped the tear on his face.

"William made a secret project to transfer a human soul into an animatronic. The goal was to do this without the use of a quirk. That bastard tested it on random girls over eighteen. He also used the experiment on his eighteen year old daughter and his wife."

"I did not see that coming. I now hate William even more than before. I knew he was an asshole but I didn't think he would stoop this low." I clenched my fists. "I would sacrifice my apartment to grab a sledgehammer and crush William's balls with one swing."

"Same, I've been wanting to do that for years but I could never get enough evidence to prove to anyone that he did all this." I could tell Henry had more hatred than me. He lost his daughter to that psycho. If you ask me that's worse than that man attempting to burn you alive.

"Let's just call it a day." Henry groaned like he just got punched in the gut. This is too much for him to talk about. He doesn't want to keep doing this and I think he showed me everything. There's no exit other than the door we used to enter the room.

Henry opened the door and walked out. The two of us left without saying a word. The drive home was silent. Not even the radio was on. Henry wasn't in the mood to talk and I don't want to say a word after what I heard. I'm still processing all of the new information.

I sighed and went inside my apartment. "At least this place had better condition than the pizzeria," I muttered while walking to my bed. I need a good sleep after all this. I thought this was going to be an easy day to get to know my new job not learn all this. No wonder why they always try to get inside the office at the pizzeria. I would If I went through the hell what they did. 



I need to tell the others that Izuku is back. Good thing I was pretending to be deactivated. It took me a while but I got everyone.

"What is it, sweetie?" Mom asked.

"Izuku is back." I smiled. Despite not knowing him for long we all love him. He never looked at us inappropriately, he risked his life to fight HIM, and he's nice and gentle.

"That's wonderful." Bonnie smiled brightly.

"Can't wait to see him again." Chica blushed.

"Th-that's good." Mangle stuttered

"Argg! The best man is back!" Foxy smiled while jumping up and down. 

"It's good to have him back most guys look at us like objects. Izuku sees us as people." Freda softly smiled. 

Ballora smiled, "I agree. HE will never be a tenth the man that Izuku Is."

I can't for our reunion with Izuku.


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