Chapter 10 Power Out (Lemon)

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I'm ready for the first day of my job.... Again. This feels weird, it's my old but at the same time, it's not. How will the girls react when they see me? It's probably going to get awkward. "Hey, we killed a man together. How's it like underground?"

I finished sipping on my coffee. I walked to where I needed to go. Henry was nice enough to give me instructions on how to get to the underground facility. The secret elevator rose from the ground after I typed the secret code. For some reason, the secret code was 1230. Yeah, I probably didn't need the instruction manual. I could have guessed the passcode.

I walked inside the cramped building. The elevator closed as I walked in. BEEP! Slowly the elevator went down into the darkness. The air conditioned air hits my nerves.

"Welcome to your first day on the job, Izuku Midoriya. I am Handy Unit, your personal robotic guide to your new career."

'This will be an interesting job.' My sweat dropped. 'I'm being led by a robotic voice. Hopefully, I get the right directions. Maybe he's like Phone Guy and he'll lie about everything.'

I took numerous deep breaths. I shouldn't be nervous but I am. I have met the girls and I'm on good terms with them.

"You can leave by pressing the red button. Let's get to work." Handy unit called. I pressed the red button. The doors quickly opened.

"Ah, shit here we go again," I muttered and walked through the door. The hallway feels a little creepy. It's dark and if you didn't know that a door was at the end. You would just end up hitting your face on the metal door.

BAM! I fell onto the floor. I hit the metal door. My nose is bleeding. 'Great my nose is probably broken.' I checked my nose. Blood is all over my hand. If someone were to walk in on me It would look like I was walking away from a murder.

I opened the door. My bloody handprint will stain the metal door.

"Welcome to the control room. On the left is Ballora Gallery and on the right is Funtime Auditorium." I already know all of this Handy Unit.

"In Ballora Gallery we encourage kids to stay fit and eat lots of pizza." Handy Unit stated.

Are you just contradicting yourself? I'm not the healthiest person on Earth but I know that giving kids tons of pizza and then telling them to stay fit doesn't make sense. Like eating a tub of ice cream and calling it your diet.

"Can you stop muttering?" I snapped out of whatever trance I was in. "Press the blue button on your left."

I pressed the blue button. BUZZ! The light revealed a stage with nothing on it.

"Ballora is not on her stage. Let's fix that with a controlled shock."

A control shock?! It's already awkward enough that I helped kill William and now I'm supposed to shock them?!

"I don't want to do this. I don't want to hurt them especially after what Henry told me." I sighed, is there another way? Why do they even need to stay on a stage and how long do they have to stay on said stage? Do they need to go onto the stage if they get rented out?

"Don't worry it doesn't hurt us Izuku." I heard a familiar voice. I look up to see Ballora on the other side of the glass. A smile appeared on her face.

"......Okay." I very reluctantly pressed the red button. Usually pressing a giant red button is labeled as a bad idea.


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