Chapter 11 Fixing Mangle

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Nobody knows that there is something else underneath the surface. A masked entity with unknown origins. "Izuku Midoriya, I will kill you."



I woke up from my phone going off. It's five in the afternoon. Who's calling me?


I slowly picked up my phone. It's Henry. Good, I don't have to pretend that I have been awake for hours. My sleep schedule is that of a vampire.

I answered the phone, "Hello." I yawned while stretching.

"Hello, Izuku" Is it weird for a boss and employee to speak casually to each other? "How was your first day on the job?"

"Good, I reunited with some of the girls. They're nice to me. Feels nice to talk without being antagonized." Even if they are animatronics they are human to me.

"That's good. Today I need you to repair Mangle. Foxy is extremely worried about her sister." Hebert sighed. "Parts and Service is at the other end of Funtime Auditorium."

"I see you removed the time limit on when they can move," I asked.

"Yes, I did. That's the first thing I did." I could feel a sense of pride coming from Henry's voice. "You are the smartest person I have ever met."

"Thanks, that means a lot." I smiled.

"I need to come over to work. I know you usually don't work in the afternoons but Foxy is extremely worried about her sister." Henry

My determination to help people arrived. "Yes, I will go!" I rushed out of my apartment. It's an hour's walk but I made it in forty five minutes.

I got into the elevator and pushed the red button. It's not that much running. Bakuhoe once chased me for ten whole hours trying to hunt me down.

"Welcome to another day on the job. Where you perform skills that you may or may not possess." Handy unit explained. Shut up Handy Unit. I know this better than you do.

"An important thing is to make sure you're not tired of the voice you're hearing." A keypad appeared out of nowhere.

I think I'll get no voice. It's better for everyone. The voice turned off. I pressed the red button and the elevator door opened. I walked through the door into the control door. Without a broken nose. I can only breathe through my mouth.

I turned on the light. "Foxy I'm here!" I yelled out.

"Izuku!" Foxy pressed against a wall. "Please help my sister!" Foxy looked at me worried with tears in her eyes.

"I will! Don't worry!" I gave her a determined look. I pressed open the green button and opened the Funtime Auditorium door.

Foxy without saying anything Foxy grabbed my hand and rushed towards the Parts and Service room. Foxy is fast.

Foxy blast through the door like a bullet. Mangle was sitting there asleep peacefully.

I got a notification on my phone. It was from Henry. The message is a step by step list of how to fix Mangle.

"Step 1: Press Mangle's left ear twice." Weird instruction but alright. At least It's from Henry and not Handy Unit. It didn't say where to touch the left ear. I pressed Mangle's left ear twice.

Mangle's chest area opened up. It looks and behaves like a regular digestive system of a person.... Well except for All Might's. Inside were tons of pipe-like things. The colors were constantly changing in different patterns. The patterns consisted of red, blue, yellow, and orange. Each pipe had its metal One of them did have blinking neon lights.

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