Chapter 15 Meeting Micheal Afton

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"This is going to be awkward," I mutter to myself walking back and forth. I'm going to meet Michael aka my stepson slash stepfather. Wait does that mean I have the right to scold him since I'm considered the stepdad? Wait, am I Baby's stepfather since I'm also dating her mom? This feels like a circle of incest. Welcome to my life, I guess. "How am I going to approach him? I'm the same guy who the nasty with his mom and little sister."

"How long are you going to be walking like this for?" Henry honked the horn of his car, "Relax Michael won't harm the guy who saved his family."

"I know but this is going to be so awkward," I sigh everything that can go wrong is going through my brain. 

"You fought a serial killer to the death and won, survived being in a burning building, seen a few dead bodies yet you're afraid of social interaction?" Henry spoke like talking to people is easy for him. It probably is since he's a high-class businessman performing negotiations, deals with other salesmen, etc. Does this guy even have anxiety? 

Back to what Henry said he has a point, I dealt with so much worse, "You're right let's just go in." Henry locked his car and the two of us walked into the prison. It feels awful welcoming for a prison. Maybe it has something to do with me being a visitor and not living there.

"To think that my family and teachers used to tell me I'd end up here," I muttered remembering being looked down upon. Well, look at me now I have multiple loyal girlfriends, a high-paying job that I enjoy, and now have a family better than my biological one. Not bad for a quote on quote 'Quirkless nobody.' It's kinda ironic that Bakugo was told that he would be great and now he's rotting in a cell and I was told I would be in a cell but I'm living the dream. It's scary to think that I could have ended up rotting my life away in a prison cell

"You belong in many places prison is not one of them," Henry stated with a positive attitude.

"You heard me didn't you?" I feel myself curl into a metaphorical shell

"Of course, I did," Henry smirked with nothing but happiness. Ever since he and Charlot reunited he's been more alive and upbeat. I still can't believe he's the same person compared to when I first met him. Come to think of it I can say the same about myself. A few months ago I was close to ending it all now I'm happier than a unicorn on steroids.

Henry and I are now at the receptionist's desk, "I'm here to see Micheal Afton." Henry rang the little bell that was on the desk. "Have a seat and we'll get to you soon," the receptionist left to contact the officers. Henry and I sat on that cheap plastic and easy-to-break chairs from Elementary School. A few minutes passed and the cops walked Micheal to the chair on the other side of thick layers of bulletproof glass.

"So you're Izuku Midoriya?" Michael asked while giving me an indescribable stare.

"Yes, I am," I replied.

"Thank you for saving Mother and Elizabeth. Normally I would end anyone who attempts to get with Mother or Elizabeth but you're the expectation." Michael gave me a bizarre smile. The type of smile that feels comforting yet creepy. I honestly can't tell if it's a happy smile or a blood-lusted look. Has he always been like this? Or has prison changed him? I heard from Henry about the "Bite of 87" so maybe that caused this?

Michael wasn't done talking, "I had my doubts about you but looking at you those doubts are now deceased."

"What do you mean? We only spoke for a solid minute." I expressed my confusion. 

"Izuku, I have been here for at least a hundred years. I can read people with only a glance. I knew by looking at you that you're nothing but heroic and pure-hearted." Michael smiled brightly allowing me to see his clean teeth. Okay what type of toothpaste do you get in prison and where can I get that? 

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