Chapter 16 Operation Shutdown VR

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"Stupid Micheal," Bakugo muttered in the prison shower. Clenching his fist only for the slippery liquids to fall from the spiky blonde's hands. The fallen soap echoes across the shower rooms. Bakugo's eyes widen as someone appears behind him.

"Pick. It. Up." A tough monotone voice spoke from behind Bakugo. 

'Dammit! This is your fault Deku!' Bakugo thought before being forcefully bent over. 

Meanwhile, Izuku was getting cuddled by Elizabeth. Achooo! Izuku sneezed while unholy stuff was happening in prison. 

"Aww, you're cute when you sneeze." Elizabeth clung to Izuku's face inches to the side of the face. Arms wrapped tighter. Throughout the last few months, Izuku's face has been just a template of every shade of pink and red.  Resembling a strawberry.

'Here I thought I was used to this affection.' Izuku thought still grateful for his kind loving harem. Blush had already formed.  

 "That's a new shade of red." Elizabeth giggled clinging even tighter. "It matches my hair." Elizabeth's dark hair touches Izuku's sweaty face. As you can tell our green smasher still isn't fully used to this level of affection. 

Thankfully someone walked in who was capable of speaking. "You look comfortable." Henry couldn't help but tease his son-in-law. "Someone a spot on job with the red face painting." Mocking the flustered state of the boy.  

Henry cleared his throat, "Fazbear Entertainment is creating a VR game."

"This sounds like something for the conspiracy theorists to go wild over," Izuku stated

"Yeah, and that's why we need to shut it down. They're using Wiliam's Reminds and creating them into Ai." 

"William is like the Walking Dead. They keep making new seasons and nobody cares." Izuku sighed while blocking his girlfriend's ears. "Don't worry that bastard will never hurt you again." The kind loving boyfriend kissed Elizabeth's forehead. 

"So what's the state of this VR game?" Izuku looked up at Henry with serious and overprotective eyes. It's the same eyes a lion gives when an unwanted thing enters its territory.

"It's in a Beta Testing State." To the regret of Henry, this has been underneath his nose for the past few months. "Some of my ex-employees are walking into an AI death trap." Henry looked down, "They're good people. None of you deserved to get wrapped in the mess I created."

"If it's your mess then I'll help you clean it up." Izuku got up with a determined glare. "We got some servers to fry." 

"I doubt it'll be that easy." Henry of all people knows how difficult it is to kill a man with nothing to lose. A man who won't rest until the ones who wronged him fall into despair. "Something tells me this Ai isn't the only thing that will be a threat to us."

"Who else knows about this?" Izuku knew he needed a strategy. His face, name, voice, and everything has been blacklisted by Fazbear Entertainment. 

"Nobody but us and Fazbear." Henry sighed, "Even if the Pro Heroes did know they probably wouldn't do anything."

Izuku rolled his eyes remembering his past, "Can't believe I looked up to those people." 

Little did Izuku and Henry know that there was something with a white mask watching them. 'They're getting in the way of my plan. Izuku Midoriya for a quirkless boy you sure don't know when to stay down.' 

'No matter,' The internal villainous monologue continued. 'I must thank you Midoriya. You gave me the secrets of the real world. Untellionally and unaware I was eavesdropping.' Ennard thought back on one of the conversations Izuku and Elizabeth had.

'You don't need to worry about blending in. People look different.' 

Izuku said that to Elizabeth during their reunion. Little did the two know that Ennard was listening. 'It's intriguing to know that I'll be seen as normal in the outside world.' The mask plate opens up to reveal its true face, 'That's not enough. I want to control something more grand than just a measly human skinsuit.'

'Of course, a true showrunner doesn't reveal the final act during the beginning.' Ennard mentally laughed preparing for a twisted world of despair for everyone. 'After all Izuku you may be happy now but just like me. We're trapped in Despair.' Ennard disappears into the darkness. Who knows what is beneath those inhuman eyes and dangling wires? 

"So what's the game plan?" Elizabeth left to let the two theorize. Complex things hurt her head. "Both of us are blacklisted from the establishment in question." Henry got the obvious out of the way.

"What if we break in." Izuku felt kind of dumb for saying such a basic idea. "It shouldn't be too difficult since this is Fazbear's we're talking about."

"Funny you mention this." Henry titled his glasses to his face, which he got from Izuku's anime recommendations. "I have an inside man. He's still unfortunately ignorant of what he's getting into."

"Nightshift?" Izuku sighed already aware of the most common theme.

"Nightshift," Henry answered with a stern voice. "It would be much more complex to break in during the day. That's when the building is more secure and active."

"How is this company still alive?" The palms slowly drag across Izuku's bubbly face. 

"They have done some back alley stuff, to say the least. I'm not proud to admit I have my fair share in those illegal experiences." Henry looked down remembering harvesting organs on the black market, "All just to expose William, to keep my daughter safe, all that just to fail both those goals." Tears roll down Henry's eyes.

"Jesus Christ," Izuku muttered not expecting to hear all this. "I'm giving you an appointment with my therapist: Adam Sato. You need him more than I do."

"Maybe I'll give him a try." Henry sighed, "I don't have much time left anyway." The conversation for both parties feels like blades deep into the heart. The air feels like it could lift an elephant. The sound of their own blood running is considered too loud. 

"We'll start tonight at 11 PM. I have to check things in with my source." Henry walked away leaving Izuku alone with his thoughts. 

'William!' Izuku thought with nothing but anger and bloodlust, 'I don't care what shape or form you are in!' All Izuku can think about is his girls, Henry, Micheal, all the victims throughout the century. 'I WILL NOT LET YOU HURT THEM EVER AGAIN!"

All William can do is smirk from Hell. Not even the afterlife can prevent his despair. "Even in Hell, I can still make those who wrong me suffer."

"Shut it, William!" One of the serial killers yelled, "We're playing Gold Fish! Do you have a Seven?"

William smiled with sadistic eyes, "Go Fish."


Quick question: Do I do an alright job balancing the comedy and the serious moments? Don't be afraid to give me constructive criticism.   

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