Chapter 12 Chica's Confession

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It seems that Izuku hasn't left. I should probably check Parts and Service just to be safe. There shouldn't be anything here except for the girls and him. I open the door to Parts and Service. I see Izuku, Foxy, and Mangle sleeping together. I shouldn't interrupt them. I closed the door and walked away. I texted Izuku about what he'll have to do for his next shift.

I really should let them leave at some point. This isn't the 2000s where quirks are common. William had erased the memories of quirks from the girls. They can be in society and nobody would bat an eye. But there's still racism against those with mutation quirks. If I did, they would one hundred percent want to live with Izuku. There's no doubt about it. I would have to transfer Izuku out of that apartment complex. To be honest he needs to get transferred out anyway. That kid needs a healthier living conditions. When I was at his apartment I saw cheap ramen cups, everything was old, fragile, or cheap.

I'm going to make it my mission to ensure that Izuku Midoriya will have a better life. First I should look into giving him a house near this place. The girls are helping his self esteem. Which is a good start. If he's still in a dark place the girls should be able to get him out of it very soon.

Midoriya will help me achieve my goal. All I want is to find my daughter. I know she possesses the Marionette but I can't find her. She is good at hiding. I will never forgive William for killing my daughter. Thank you Midoriya for killing William.


I feel comfortable. This is better than my pillow. I slowly open my eyes to see that my head is on Mangle's lap and that Foxy is cuddling up to me. Usually, I panic and blush but I'm used to it at this point.

I pull out my phone. It's 6 PM. "Hello, Izuku. Tomorrow night I need you to work on the lights in Chica's room. Also, there's a kitchen on the right side of Funtime Auditorium. There's some food waiting for you." I see a text from Henry.

I can see Foxy slowly waking up. "Morning Izuku." Foxy slowly looks at me with beautiful eyes.

"Good Morning Foxy." I smiled. Foxy let go of me. I got up and stretched my limbs. I left the Parts and Service room and walked to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge. There was a small box of frozen chicken with my name on it. There was a green sticky note with my name on it. I took the box and a bottle of water. I texted Henry thanks and put the chicken in the microwave. I don't need to eat cheap noodles once in my life.

I opened up the water bottle. I sipped into the water. This is way better than the dirty water in my apartment. I can feel my throat not feel like lava sticking in my bones.


My chicken is ready. I open the box to get steam in my eyes. It's nothing compared to an explosion to the face by Bakuhoe. I pull out the small tray. I rushed to the drawer and got myself a fork and knife.

I ate the chicken. It tasted pretty good. Best meal I have ever had. Sadly, my best meal is a slightly more expensive microwave dinner but I'll take this victory until I die. I threw the empty box and tray into the trash and washed the knife and fork in the sink.

I noticed that there was beer in there. No, I shouldn't risk it. Cameras and this is my only job. I doubt some places will hire quirkless. I shouldn't even be drinking and not only am I underage but my mom is an alcoholic. Every time I drink I end up no better than her.

I should probably rest before my shift starts. I put my head on the table and drifted off. I woke up to my alarm. Without lifting my head I grabbed my phone. I slowly lifted my head. I noticed that there was a blanket on me and that my head was on a pillow.

I looked to see Chica waiting for me to wake up. "Hello, Chica." I smiled. I got off the chair I was on and stretched my limbs. "Thanks for the pillow and blanket."

"It's no problem Izuku." Chica hugged me. "I couldn't allow you to sleep uncomfortably."

"Thanks." I smiled. "So for my shift, I have to fix the lights in your room."

"The lights wore out. I planned on doing it but Henry said you'll do it."

What is Henry up to? The girls are more than capable enough to take care of themselves. They don't need some random quirkless boy. Henry thinks that I killed William. While I did do some damage to him. It was Baby who shot William in the head, killing him.

I'll confront Henry later. "So, where's your room?" I asked Chica.

"Follow me." Chica signaled. I follow Chica through one of the kitchen doors and into the hallways. The hallways are a dark depressing gray. Reminds me of a prison layout. After a few turns I made it to Chica's room. There is a stage with a few pink and yellow lights, cupcake accessories, a closet for whatever reason, tables, chairs, and a disco ball.

I look to see the equipment to fix the lights there. Don't get me wrong I'm happy to help but something is off. Not the girls they are fine but something is fishy Henry. 

I walked into the stage and fixed the lights. It was pretty easy. The lights shined good as new. "Izuku, are you okay?" Chica asked with a worried tone. "You seem a little tense."

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." I smiled. "A lot is on my mind. Sorry for worrying you."

"Izuku." Chica looked me down.  "We may not have known each other for long but I can tell when you lying."

I sighed. "I think there is something up with Henry." 

Chica looked a little confused. "What exactly do you mean?"

"This is just a theory but I think he might be grooming all of you. Based on everything I have seen you girls are more than capable enough to take care of yourselves." I explained my theory to Chica. I'm probably going to get slapped harder than Chris Rock getting slapped by Will Smith. 

"Don't worry about it Izuku." Chica smiled. "Henry isn't grooming us. The reason why Henry insists on doing stuff for us is that he wants to give us the life that was taken from us." 

Chica pulled me in for a hug. "I appreciate you worrying about us."

"It's no problem." So I was wrong about Henry. Are my trust issues this bad?  I'll ask him later. If I'm wrong then I owe him an apology. 

"Hey, Izuku." I look up at Chica. There was some sparkling in her eyes. "I love you." 

A- Lo-ve con-fess-ion?! I never thought i-i would get one. I have fel-t feel-ings f-or th-e gi-rls. "I-I love you to." I managed to speak out. 

Chica and I kissed passionately. The world around us doesn't exist anymore. It feels like a lifeless void. I wonder what will happen to me and the girls in the future.



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