Chapter 17 Break-In

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Okay, I have everything I need. Lock pick and rope check. Wait why do we need a lock pick isn't the man inside going to do that? Unless he doesn't have access to everything. What's the rope for we're not climbing up a wall? Please tell me the rope isn't used for other purposes. 

Dynamite? Check... what do we need that for? Are we exploding the building or something? Hope not were destroying ai, not buildings.

Whatever I need to continue going down the list. Tranziler Gun and darts. Check. Okay, Henry watched too many spy movies. What's next is he going to have me dressed up in all black with a ski mask included?

Black suit ski mask included. Check.... I swear to god! Great, I'm going to look like I belong in some kind of cheesy criminal movie. What's next will we have cheap bags with a giant dollar sign on them? 

I dropped the clipboard and left the room. I'm not looking forward to this. I don't know what's worse, dressing like this or looking like a wannabe gangster who listened to too much Eminem. Both sound like an embarrassing middle school phase.

"So we have everything?" Henry was leaning against the wall.

"Everything including weird looks from the cashier." I sigh, hiding my urge to slap him for his ridiculous ideas.

"That's why I shop from different stores." Henry remarked, "So it doesn't look suspicious."

Can't argue with that logic, but the gas prices can. He's really put a lot of thought into this. "What are we going to do about the microchips and the CPUs?"

"You destroy them, I'll override the Ai. The microchips and CPUs are the main source of power however it's not enough to kill it." Henry stopped leaning against the wall. "No matter what, never wear the VR set. Something bad will happen to you."

"I'm afraid to ask but what will happen if I do," I grumble a bit.

"The Ai will take over your brain." Henry pointed to the forehead presenting the brain. "The coding will corrupt every lobe of the brain. You will be controlled by the ai."

That.... Doesn't sound pleasant. Can you even think while experiencing that? The coding entering your brain sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie.

"So when will we be ready?" I just want to get this over with. Am I going to have to be involved with another burning building? 

Henry looked down at his watch. "We'll be ready in an hour." Henry walked away, "If you'll excuse me I'm going to be spending time with my daughter."

I should spend time with my loved ones as well. The girls will be happy I have some free time. I really need to get the situation in question off my mind. Don't want the next hour to be stressing over every single detail. 

I left the room to go find one of the girls. Only got sixty minutes to spare. Walking down the halls my footsteps echoed my presence.

Loud footsteps echoed towards me at a rapid pace. This will be a loud but relaxing hour.

"Argh! Izuku!" Foxy appeared in front of me. Closer in person of course. 

"Good news, I have free time." I smiled, "I only have an hour left of it."

"We got no time to waste matey." Foxy grabbed my arm dashing through the hall. "Girls! Izuku has an hour of free time left!" Foxy's words summoned the entire harem within milliseconds.

"Really!" All the girls spoke at the same time. I'm one of the few people who doesn't bury himself in his work and spends time with his loved ones. Another thing for people to take note of.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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