Chapter 13 Reuniting Lost Family

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Chica and Izuku fell asleep with each other. The two fell asleep on the stage. Chica woke up first. "He's so cute." Chica smiled while looking at Izuku sleeping. "Your head can't be comfortable."

Chica put Izuku's head on a lap pillow. "This is better than having your head on a stage." Chica started to play with Izuku's messy hair.

A few hours passed by and Izuku slowly started waking up. 'Comfy,' Izuku thought, still half awake. The eyes of Izuku slowly open up while the brain is processing.

"Morning Izu." Chica stopped playing with Izuku's hair.

"Morning Chica." Izuku smiled happily. Never once did Izuku think that he would be in a relationship with anyone.

Izuku got up not realizing he was lying on Chica's lap. Izuku started stretching his arms and legs. A notification went off. 'Meet me in my office. This is important.' The message is from Henry.

'What is it about?' Izuku wondered. "I have to go see Henry."

"Good luck." Chica kissed Izuku.

"Thanks." Izuku waved Chica goodbye and left. It took a while but Izuku managed to find Henry's office. 'Hopefully, this won't be bad.' Izuku opened the door to Henry's office.

"Have a seat." Henry had his back turned.

'Am I in trouble?' Izuku thought while he sat down on the chair.

"I called you here because I need your help." Henry turned around.

"With what exactly?" Izuku asked.

"I need your help finding my daughter." Henry pulled a picture of a Marionette. "My daughter possesses the body of the Marionette. She was eighteen when she died. She was ready to go off to college and ready to live her adult life. Then William took it from her."

Izuku gulped at the heavy topic. 'How am I supposed to help when Henry had decades to find her but couldn't.' Izuku thought.

"I can tell you how you can help." Henry knew what Izuku was thinking. "She's afraid and hides away. The truth is that I don't have long to live. I want to see my daughter before I go."

Izuku couldn't believe the words he was hearing. "I will help you and I want to apologize about something."

"About what?" Henry looked confused.

"I thought you were grooming the girls. Now I know that you're giving them the life that was taken from them. I misjudged you and I'm sorry for that." Izuku apologized.

"For years people ignored me. I could tell by their body language that they weren't interested in me. Until now I never saw positive body language from people who cared about me until I met you and the girls." Izuku continued feeling that he should give an explanation about why he thought the way he did.

"It's fine. I honestly expected you to think something close to that. You had a rough life. It's natural not to know how to react when positive people enter your life." Henry brushed off the apology.

'Not the reaction I was expecting.' Izuku thought.

"To get back on topic. I theorize that Charlotte is hiding in the alleyways of the worst areas of Japan." Henry pulled out a map of alleyways in Japan.

Izuku gulped looking at the exact alleyways. It's rumored that anyone who walks in the alleyway never walks out. Mysterious deaths occur.

"Why do you want me to walk through this alleyway?" Izuku asked.

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