Chapter 3: The Outlander

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3rd POV. Sumeru City.

Enkidu already sensed the arrival of the Traveler.

Before that, many people will ask, how can even Enkidu detect what is going on with the world.

When Enkidu was asked about this question, Nilou was the one who answered in his place.

Nilou: You see, we all know that Enkidu, being the Servant and Friend of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, he was granted the Blessings of the Forest.

Nilou: It allows him to communicate with any life all around the world. From the dandelions of Mondstadt, the Glaze Lilies of Liyue, and even beyond the sea such as the Sakura Blossoms of Inazuma......

Sohrin: So, you mean, Enkidu is like the walking forest?

Nilou: Uh.....

This time, Enkidu was the one who answered the children.

Enkidu: No.

Enkidu: Just like what Nilou said, I'm able to know what's going around the world by talking to all living beings.

Enkidu: Including animals, either land, sea, or air. Those who live in the plains or up in the highest mountains.

Children: Woah! So you mean who can talk with anything!?

Enkidu: Except rocks, thunder, wind, water, snow, ice, flame.....

Enkidu: I can only communicate with living beings.

Nilou: Wait, they say that there is the language of flowers, you mean there is a literal language of flowers?

Enkidu: No.

Enkidu: In order for a language to be a language, it should possess a grammar, vocabulary, and can be performed by humans.

Nilou: Then how can you even communicate with the trees, flowers, and animals?

Enkidu: It's really hard to explain. I guess it is probably the blessings that I received and the years that I've spent here in the forest.

Child 2: So if we spent many years in the forest, can we also talk to the animals and trees like you do?

Enkidu: To a certain extent, yes. But I do not recommend that you guys live in the forest all by yourselves.

Child 3: Then, how did you survived in the forest?

Enkidu: The forest is my home.

Enkidu: I was raised by Greater Lord Rukkhadevata and the Aranaras.

Children: The Aranaras!?

Enkidu: Yes. They are my family.

Nilou: But no one has even saw an Aranara.....

Enkidu: In Sumeru, they have a saying that no one can dream, except for children.

Enkidu: Aranaras appear in dreams, and to those who can dream.

Enkidu: In a sense, children are the only ones who can dream.

Enkidu: Although, I wonder how would the children feel if they realize that they won't be able to dream now because they grew up and realized the hardships of lies.

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