Chapter 4

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Just wanted to say thank you for all the support that has been shown so far on this story! I was expecting it to hopefully get some views but over 100 in the first week of it being out was something I wasn't expecting! Anyways, enjoy chapter 4!!! 


"Well, that went better than I would've hoped," Robin thought to herself as she listened in on her captain and navigator's conversation using her devil fruit ability. She had a feeling Nami didn't check their room because that was the last place she expected Luffy to be. Robin had however, seen him go in there earlier. She had wanted to tell Nami where he was, but after seeing Nami look so worried about their captain, she couldn't help herself and only gave her a some help by sending her in the right direction. Robin chuckled to herself, grabbing the attention of a certain swordsman. 

"Oi, what are you plotting now?" Zoro said aloud as Robin opened her eyes and turned towards him. 

"Well it wouldn't be any of fun if I told you, now would it Kenshi-San" Robin replied with a smile on her face. While she thought Zoro already had an idea of what was going on, she wanted to keep her part a mystery for now. 

"It's Zoro..." Zoro thought to himself, upon hearing what Robin had called him. 

The two of them were still together in the crows nest, Zoro who was now finished with another bottle, now resting against the wall and Robin who was now walking towards the swordsman after doing some "checking up". As she reached Zoro, she sat down next to him while making sure to not disrupt him, as he now had his eye closed, trying to rest. Robin simply sat next to him, staring out in front of her at the empty crows nest. It wasn't until Robin rested her head on his right shoulder that Zoro opened his right eye and glanced over. 

"Oi..." Zoro started, not confused but rather taken back at her sudden decision, "what's up?" 

"Nothing, Kenshi-San," Robin responded, "there isn't anything wrong with me resting my head here right?" As she finished saying that she proceed to shut her eyes and show her natural smile. However, when she finally did meet his gaze, she did not see him upset, nor a smug look or even his normal gaze that everyone was used to on the ship. She instead saw a somewhat disappointed or even sad gaze from her swordsman. 

"Robin.... you know my situation," Zoro said calmly, trying to not sound harsh, his voice rather quiet, "you know exactly why this can't happen." As he finished saying this, he gently but swiftly starting getting up from the floor, gave Robin a smile, which was rare and made his way towards the exit of the crows nest. But before he could actually manage to leave, a set of hands appeared from the floor, keeping him in place, unable to continue moving forward. 

"OI! Robin?" Zoro yelled, rather confused at her actions, "What the hell are you doing, let me go!" Across the room Robin, who was hiding her gaze, started to make her way over to where he had walked to. He continued to yell at her while she walked towards him, but whatever he was saying was not being understood. She just continued to walk towards him as she recalled the events of a few days ago, even tonight. 

"Why Zoro..." Robin thought as she moved closer, "Why can't you let go?" 


Robin had just got done seeing the underwater, original version of the Land of Wano and was making her way back to the party. To think that the Flower Capitol she had been spending so much time in was covering up so much history, including one of the ancient weapons... it was almost hard to think about. After a long ascend back up the stairs, she was finally able to see the party lights again from a distance from where she was standing. 

Do You See Me the Same Way I Do? (Luffy x Nami)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant