Chapter 12

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Can't promise when this will be out, but I hope to still post parts as often as possible. 

Anyways, thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy!


Luffy was a heavy sleeper and he liked to be. When he wasn't fighting off enemies of his crew, he would rest and wait for there next adventure. Whenever he was captured he liked to escape in order to defeat his enemy. He'd then usually have to beat some people up and then go find food on the way out. That's how it was all the time. He hated some pirates. They were meanies. 

But being captured on Garp's ship he didn't feel any danger or threat, just a simple detour from his normal adventure like always. Even though gramps was apart of the Navy, he was still family. So that made him ask himself: why did he feel the need to wake up in the first place if it wasn't his gramps fist hitting him over the head....

He knew it wasn't because of food, he would've known food was around sooner. 

He knew it couldn't of been danger, as he would've reacted more on instinct and haki. 

Clearly he wasn't in water because he wouldn't of been able to breath much. 

And to top it all off, he didn't feel powerless anymore, meaning he was no longer stuck in that annoying cage gramps had put him in. 

So what could it be.....? 

While Luffy laid unconscious, he felt a similar presence around him as he slept, one he felt familiar with while he slept, and soon began to look for the source. As his mind insisted on knowing what it was, he ran after it, trying to find the reason behind his sudden urge to wake up. 

The more he chased after it, the clearer the image became. It was no longer a simple presence of familiarity, but rather a spot he was growing quite fond of. He began to smell the sweet presence of tangerines, the item that answered his question before he even needed another look at what he was running after. 

As it came into view, he was running after Nami, who had not turned around to face him, but rather kept the distance between the two of them as she pressed on, him eager to catch her. 

It felt like any other day on the Sunny, convincing her to play tag, or him chasing after her trying to learn the path of their next island. Except here, he was not on the ship, he was running through the darkness, and Nami was leading the way. After what seemed like an eternity of chasing, Nami stopped and turned around, her hands on her hips as she finally spoke to him. 

"Wake up Luffy..." Nami told him, "We're home." As he finally reached her, his eyes shot open, not out of fear or shock, but out of his dreaming state. Now, fully convinced he was awake and no longer in his head, he quickly learned where he was. 

Luffy was laying down, looking up at Nami, her arms wrapped around his body as if she was cradling him. One rested behind his head, the other around his lower back, keeping him close to her. Nami's head was fairly close to Luffy's, her chin practically resting on his forehead as she looked down to him. 

He'd be lying to himself if he didn't feel a little strange in his stomach at that moment. He had missed the feeling of her being so close to him. That and her holding him like this made his stomach feel...weird. Not even hungry weird, just weird. 

"N-Nami," Luffy stuttered, as he was just waking up, still being a little drowsy, "hi". 

Nami's lips formed a smile, a few light tears falling from her face, seeing him back in his usual state, unharmed and still acting just as naïve. 

Do You See Me the Same Way I Do? (Luffy x Nami)Where stories live. Discover now