Chapter 18

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It has come to my attention that I have been gone for far too long once again. 

So i figured it was time to release another part of this fanfiction. 

(As a public reminder, I do intend to finish this fanfic to some degree, so it will NOT be left discontinued) 

But anyways, I hope you all enjoy. 


Luffy slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times before he recognized his surroundings. He was in Nami's room. He yawned before sitting up, pushing himself up with his arms at either side of his body. He then realized he was also in Nami's bed, making him wonder where she was herself. 

Luckily, that question was answered only a moment later. The door to enter the girls rooms opened, as Nami walked in slowly, a blanket under her right arm, in her left was a tray of food. A mixture of sandwiches, fish, fruit, and even a tangerine she had peeled herself. Upon entering the room and looking towards her bed, she stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening. 

"Oiii Nami, it's good to see yo- wait, is that food for me?" Luffy stared at the food on the tray Nami held, before once again returning his gaze to her. After a moment, she set the tray down on her desk near her bed and laid the blanket over her desk chair. 

"Nami?" She didn't respond for a second time, only making her way over to her bed this time, her gaze down at the floor. He couldn't make out her facial expression, even though he was trying to. He untangled himself from the sheets of Nami's bed, which did smell pretty nice to him, and threw his feet over the side of the bed, sitting down in Nami's direction. His cardigan must've been by her desk too, because Luffy didn't have it on. All he had was his lower half of clothing, even his hat wasn't around his neck! 

But Luffy figured it was with Nami somewhere, so he didn't worry. He wanted to ask her where it was, but before he got the chance to, Nami wrapped her arms around his neck and sat down in his lap, holding him tight. She didn't say a word. 

"N-Nami?" He didn't get a response. Nothing. She just held him in silence, which he embraced by looping his arms around her midsection. Luffy figured she didn't want to talk, so he decided to just sit there and let her have him for the time being. He wouldn't complain about that. 

However, Luffy was never one for being quiet when he knew she was upset. So he spoke to her again, hoping to receive some form of communication from her. 

"Nami, please talk to me." He said it more like it was a question, but even in a small and delicate tone, Nami didn't respond. The only slight response he did receive was small scratches of her fingernails on his shoulders, which he found rather soothing. Luffy was growing reckless though, and wanted to make sure she was okay. Delicately, he started to unwrap his right arm from her waist. 

Instantly, Nami's arms tightened around his neck. 


That was the first thing she mumbled to him: Don't. Now he really was confused. He scrunched his eyebrows, wanting to see her face, so he could see what she wanted. He always knew what she wanted from the way she was looking at him. Whether that was to stay by her side or to get away before she killed him. 

More recently she wanted him around, but for a while....he made sure to not upset her if possible. 

"Don't what, Nami?" He kept his chin on her left shoulder, as her head rested on his left shoulder. 

"Don't let me go." Now those words stung Luffy. And as he repeated her words in his head a few times, he started to think about how the past week had been for the crew. They had found out about Sabo, which Luffy would not say aloud to them, but it was something he was still struggling with. Gramps had came and kidnapped him from his own ship, to which his crew then came and saved him, only to have gramps follow them anyways. Meany. 

Do You See Me the Same Way I Do? (Luffy x Nami)Where stories live. Discover now