Chapter 16

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Yes. I know it is odd for me to post again so soon. BUT I have nothing else to do while watching Naruto for the first time and I figured this was a good way to accomplish two goals at the same time. 

Anyways, rate the story and follow, lets me know you're all still enjoying the story. 

That and because...idk...I'm cool? Maybe? Little bit? I'll stop now. 


(The following is my message after completing this chapter) 

This chapter is long. 

It took me five hours straight to complete it. 

my head hurts 

plz rate 

love you guys 


As the waves lapped up against the hull of the ship, all she could do was stare at the island in the distance, dreading what was to come. 

They had been traveling towards the emperor's island ever since Garp had arrived, and now Nami was able to see it from the front of the Sunny. Not much had happened the past few days while awaiting their arrival. The morning after Garp had arrived, Nami found herself curled up with Luffy on the front of the ship, waking up in the middle of the day. 

At first, Nami was terrified because she was fearful the crew had also seen them lying together on the ship. She soon realized however, that the only people still on the deck of the Sunny had been Luffy, Garp, Zoro and herself. Apparently Chopper and Usopp were making some sort of medicine in Chopper's room, Franky was still below the ship, working up new blueprints and Sanji was apparently in the kitchen. Jinbei, who was usually at the helm of the ship, was asleep still, as he apparently sailed through the night and never noticed Luffy or Nami at the front. At least Nami hoped he hadn't seen them. As for Brook, according to Robin anyways, she had been able to divert his attention from the front of the ship, claiming that if since Luffy was already an emperor, that he should work on a song for Laboon. 

Brook must've been busy because she hadn't seen Brook since. As for Garp, he asked her some questions, mostly just the same one worded differently, "How do you put up with Luffy," or "He isn't bothering you," over and over again. She simply answered his questions truthfully, explaining to the grandfather that Luffy had taken very good care of her, even before they were ever officially an item. Garp was stunned, but knew that Luffy had a good heart. He smiled in her direction, before thanking her for watching over "the brat" in his words. From there, he walked towards the helm, once again making sure they were in the right direction. 

She wished it had been as simple of a conversation for Zoro, but unfortunately, he did quite the bit of teasing. She figured he had already known for a while, as he was dating Robin, but she never had confirmation until that morning. He teased her quite a bit, asking her stuff like "how far have you two gone," or "You are using protection if you are" or "you aren't bribing him with food or...". 

It got a little annoying after the consistent teasing for at least ten minutes. When she finally controlled the redness across her facial features and asked where Robin was, mainly because she needed to see the only other female on the ship, he looked away. 

This got Nami curious, but before she could ask him what was bothering him by asking the question, the girls room door opened, and Robin walked out. Now, normally that would be no major deal because it was the girls room and there was no reason Robin couldn't be in there. 

But when she let go of the door frame and stumbled a little, before nearly falling if Zoro hadn't caught her, it made Nami curious. 

As she walked over to ask her roomie some questions, Zoro stood her up and held her right shoulder in place, ensuring she wouldn't fall again. When Nami asked her what was wrong, she said she was only a little clumsy walking out of the door. Something about how she tripped. 

Do You See Me the Same Way I Do? (Luffy x Nami)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant