Chapter 13

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The last thing Luffy thought he would be doing in the middle of the night was discussing an attack operation on Blackbeard. 

Mostly because he, in all honesty, was still partially asleep. But whenever he even attempted to shut his eyes for longer than a normal BLINK, Garp was hitting him over the head, exclaiming "This is important Luffy!", or "Stop falling asleep!", which got him awake rather easily before laughing the entire situation off. 

"So, you all know what we're planning on doing now correct?" Garp asked, eyes narrowing at the table in the kitchen on the Sunny. From across the room, Luffy tilted his head in confusion. 

"There's a plan??" he asked quizzically, getting a confirmation nod from Robin, along with another funny glare from his gramps. "That sounds boringggg...." Luffy said, falling onto the floor on his back, frowning. 

"LUFFY!" Garp yelled, in a slightly comical manner, "this is not something to joke about! You know how powerful Blackbeard is! That is why I'm here in the first place!" Luffy looked up from the floor, seeing everyone in the kitchen looking at him. Zoro was sitting down in a chair at the table, Robin stood behind him, while Garp stood at the other end of the table. 

"Even if you give him a plan he won't follow it anyways." Zoro stated, before resting his head on the back of the chair, with Garp proceeding to hold the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. Robin let out a small chuckle, before providing her own opinion as well. 

"Unfortunately, Zoro is correct, we've planned things in the past before, but they never go as we think they will." 

"See, they get it!" Luffy exclaimed, jumping up to stand on his feet again, "It's no big issue, we'll simply think of something along the way-" 

"We think of the plan NOW!" Garp exclaimed, hitting his fist against the table in the kitchen, getting a glare from everyone in the room in the process. He brought his arm back to his side, before taking a deep breath through his nose, getting Zoro to raise an eyebrow. 

"Do any of you ever find out what became of, well, the former warlord, Gecko Moria?" 

"He was the warlord who controlled people's shadows." Robin stated. 

"Oh yeah, he was funny." Luffy countered, chuckling a bit at the memory of defeating him and then gathering Brook as a crewmate. 

"Well, not so long ago, he disappeared looking for a member of his organization and since he reached what we know is Blackbeard's island..." Garp didn't finish the sentence, but rather turned away, looking at the wall of the Sunny. The three waited patiently for him to continue, the weight of the situation they were in feeling a little heavier now, gathering some concern from everyone. Minus Luffy, who just decided to act more serious and not play around as much. 

Garp then turned his face back towards the group, his voice much softer than before. 

"Luffy, do you remember anything after... after Ace had..." Garo himself couldn't finish the sentence and once again turned towards the wall. It was rare for Garp to show this much emotion, but he couldn't look Luffy in the face and exclaim so easily about Ace being dead, even after two years. It still haunted him that he had to pick between the marines and his family, plus, blaming himself for letting the situation getting to where it ended up at. 

"No," Luffy said, his voice also much softer and quiet than before, "after that happened, the next thing I remembered was waking up in Tra's ship." Garp nodded, understanding and guessed Luffy would have no recollection of the events that happened after. 

"After you had blacked out and had been taken away from Marineford, Blackbeard arrived at Marineford and did something I had never seen before in all my years as a Marine..." AS Garp continued, his voice grew quite edgy, not from anger, but from a sense of dread and possibly fear. Robin and Zoro couldn't tell, as this was only there first or second time meeting him, but Luffy knew that expression all too well. And it didn't strike him comfortably. 

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