Chapter 17

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Here we are again.

I  have been gone long enough to the point where I believed that I needed to post another follow up to this story. Just as a public reminder for all who are reading this chapter, I do intend to finish this story in some way or form. I have no intentions on leaving you guys on a cliffhanger. 

Once again when I will wrap up the story is also unknown, as most of you are enjoying it still and I, myself have not had the urge to end said story yet. Maybe Chapter 25? I don't know, I haven't thought ahead enough yet. 

Anyways, rate and follow and all that jazz so you can stay notified about the story. Or save the story to a folder, that would also be awesome. 

But, without anything else to say, let's jump into this part shall we....


10 hours. 

That is how long Chopper spent working after the explosion. No breaks. Everyone, including Chopper, knew that if he were to stop working, the chances of Robin and Luffy's survival grew dimmer. 

Truth be told, no one had any major concerns for Robin other than maybe a scarred leg, possible broken bones and a permanent burn mark as a reminder of the incident. As for Luffy, the situation was a lot more severe. 

Burned body, from head to toe, no calculation from Chopper on where the list could start or end on his burn injuries alone. While the doctor had said his bones all seemed to not be broken, considering some were visible without need to feel his skin was enough to worry about alone. His breathing was shallow, so much to the point where Chopper felt the need to check for a heartbeat every fifteen minutes. 

He had cleaned off that particular spot on his chest to the best of his ability when he first operated on Luffy. Robin's operation was surprisingly simple, cleaning off her leg carefully and then resting it in a gel that would heal the skin faster. Apparently Chopper had discovered it on Wano during his small amount of time there. That only took an hour and a half. 

Luffy received the rest of his time. 

After cleaning off his chest where his heart resided to check for a heartbeat, he got to work on his face, ensuring Luffy was still able to breath as much as possible. Underneath all the dirt was charred skin, which Chopper delicately removed as much as possible so it wouldn't infect his skin. One could only imagine the pain he must have been feeling, but none of the crew would know. 

While Chopper plucked away his skin like a rag doll, Luffy never flinched much. That was the more terrifying part about the entire thing. 

After his face it was his neck, then his torso and arms, down to his manhood area, ending with his legs and feet. What remained still made her cry, but he looked a hell of a lot better with the gel on him than looking like a burnt piece of toast he'd make in the kitchen. Not long after Chopper had torn the dead skin off, he went to work on sealing up the skin that was torn, which was practically the remainder of skin on his body. 

The blood. There was so Too much of it. If you had to guess the color of the sheets when you walked in, you would've assumed it was a dark shade of red. But no, it started out as white and the rest had come from Luffy's body. Where exactly? Unsure. But it was from him. 

Chopper had stitched up his neck a little, his torso looked like a jigsaw puzzle, stitches dancing over his already horrible scar that she saw on him every single day like a brand. His legs weren't so bad, but it did look like he was being attacked by snakes. And as for his feet, while he wouldn't be able to walk much for a while, both feet and all toes were attached. 

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